He pushes back his hair. “I don’t know when I’ll be coming back, Sul. It’s fine. I lost fairly.” He doesn’t give me a chance to argue. Akara leaves the bedroom completely, shutting the door quickly behind him.

Banks and I lock eyes across the bed.

I pick at the quilt. “Game over, I guess?” I say, uncertain.

His soft smile peeks. “I don’t need a game to kiss you, if you want to be kissed.”

“You know I do.” I smile more, then glance hesitantly at the door. We haven’t really talked about rules, but I just want to be fair. “Whatever we do here, I’ll do with Akara when he gets back.”

Banks nods, understanding.

I scoot closer until I take Akara’s seat shoulder-to-shoulder with Banks. Right up against the headboard, a cupcake pillow snug behind me.

His arm falls around my shoulder, holding me to his side. Our eyes graze each other in the quiet, and my skin still tingles from their teasing. His fingers drift along my cheek, lifting my chin, and our lips touch with sultriness that feeds greater cravings.

I grip his thigh, and he holds my face like I might disappear. The kiss is desperation and life and love, and I never want to leave.

Banks slides my leg over his leg, and he pulls me onto his lap. I barely have time to clutch his shoulders as he draws us further down the bed and rests my back on the mattress.

Oh fuck yes.

He’s on top, cocooning me. The beat of my pulse matches my shortened breath. He breaks my legs open around his waist, and I accidentally kick the book and the bottle off the bed. I hear the shatter of glass, and our heads turn slightly but neither of us pull away.

Our eyes trace our lips, and I whisper, “I really love being this close to you.”

“Me too.” He stares down at me like I’m the most attractive thing in the sea. I’m drowning in a pool of attraction and yearning and overwhelming feelings.

His hand slides up my thigh, his lips nuzzled against the nape of my neck. He touches the sensitive skin, and I shut my eyes in absolute heaven with him.

“Banks,” I rasp, in need of more. I reach for his length, his hardness tenting his drawstring pants. I stroke him. A groan rumbles through him.

And there is no thinking next, just total feelings as his lips meld against mine, as he breathes into the kiss like he’s breathing life into my lungs. As he sheds my top and bottom, as I tug at his clothing until it’s all gone.

Naked, our flesh welds and heats me, and I ache and whimper for more. I’m floating into his muscular build, into his arms, into his embrace, into his care and experience and affection.

I breathe against his mouth, “I need you…in me, please.” He’s right there. His erection is nudging against my heat. My legs are open around him. He even clutches my thigh, spreading me further, and I watch how he soaks in our bodies. I feel utterly fucking vulnerable, but also so safe.

Like he’s one of two people on this earth meant to connect with me.

“You sure you want to?” Banks asks, studying me.

I clutch his hair. “Yes, fuck, please,” I nearly cry out.

He kisses me quickly, then climbs off.


“I have to get a condom.”

Right. Fuck.

I check him out while he stands. He’s tall, sculpted and masculine, but Banks has a gentleness and light in his eyes that I hold on to even more. He’s back in a blink after rummaging in my dresser. We put those condoms there “just in case” for a time like this, but we’ve always been a little too cautious. Afraid my roommates would find out about us.

But now, they already know.

“You want under the covers?” Banks asks, climbing back on.

I realize I’m shivering.


He whips the quilt. I slip under. He climbs back on top of me, his hands traveling over the length of my legs as he stretches them wider. And then he pulls the quilt over us.

Heat gathers, and his hand roots to a spot above my head. His other hand sheaths his length with the condom.

My eyes widen. He’s so fucking hard. And big.

Really, really fucking big, and I almost can’t believe he’s been inside of me before.

While hovered over me, his dog tags hang off his neck, the metal brushing against my collarbone. This’ll be my first time having sex on a bed, and I still find myself forgetting to move my hands. They mostly stay planted to his biceps.

Banks kisses me, then touches my pussy. Fuck ahh.

I writhe as he massages my clit. “I…” I cry out already, toes starting to curl. “I have to already be…wet enough. Please.” I just want Banks in. I throb for him.

“You’re very wet, mermaid.” His husky voice melts me. “But I’m gonna go down on you first.”