They both laugh, and their laughter makes me feel cute. Special, even.

Banks is much slower than Akara, taking his time. He’s worried he’ll accidentally hurt me. But I can take all of him. I know I fucking can.

I stay on all-fours over Akara. His hands push hair out of my face, and I smile. He smiles back, and I look up at the mirror.

Banks has my hip and a hand around his length. He eases slowly, slowly into me. I tremble. Oh my fucking God. At this speed, the pressure and fullness are even more noticeable.

Akara makes a hot sound, and I steal a glance at Kits. His nose is flared, pleasure in his eyes as he watches Banks enter me and sees my expression that’s full of rapt attraction. Banks lowers my body further onto Akara’s chest.

When Banks starts thrusting, I clutch onto Akara’s biceps for support. Fuck. My toes curl. After climaxing two times already, I’m set so close to an edge, it’s not taking much to push me off. I see him in the mirror, thrusting against me. I’m going to come. I’m going to come.

I’m going to fucking come.

“Are you all the way in?” I rasp. He has to be.

“No,” Banks says.


“I can take all of you,” I choke.

“Not tonight,” Banks tells me.

Sweaty, on the rise to the apex, I mumble out, “I officially…fucking hate…those two words.”

Akara rubs my bare shoulder in comfort. “It doesn’t mean never. I know you hate that word more.”

“Can you hand me that pillow?” Banks asks Akara.

Akara reaches over for the avocado-shaped pillow and tosses it to Banks. It goes underneath me, arching my hips higher.

The angle feels better. Deeper, even.

“Whoa,” I breathe out. “Whoa.”

“Is that a bad whoa,” Banks asks.

I shake my head, in another blissful fucking world.

Akara smiles. “Definitely a good whoa.”

Banks pulls out and pushes back in gently. I can tell he’s going a little further in this time. Cheek on Akara’s chest, I hold onto him and bask in how Banks takes my body.


I feel it completely with both of them. As Banks thrusts, my pulse races and adrenaline spikes. I’m going to come. I’m going to come. I mutter the words against Akara’s heart.

Akara holds me tighter against him. I’m on the same ascent, this time at a slower pace. I’m going to—I come. “Banks. Kits.” I reach a beautiful peak.

A beautiful high.

Banks swears, then groans out, “Sulli…” He breathes hard and gently, gently slides out of me. Banks collapses next to us, tossing the filled condom, and I roll onto my side, cocooned between them. Like it’s so natural and second nature, their arms drape over me.

“That was…” Everything.

I know they’re smiling. Akara asks, “Better two than one?”

“It’s more intense…so yeah, I think so. Do you guys like sex better when we’re all together?”

Akara and Banks share a look, then Akara nods. “Yeah.”

Banks says, “Yeah, same. It keeps me on my toes.”

“Not literally,” Akara smiles. “You’re already too fudging tall.”

“Hey, I like his height.”

“She likes my height.”

“I like Akara’s height, too.”

They’re both laughing.

I want to laugh with them, but sleep tugs at me. I’m just about to shut my eyes when Akara’s phone buzzes loudly.

Banks asks him, “Do you even know how to put that thing on silent?”

Akara grabs his cell off the nightstand. “I do, but it’s never going to happen.” He glances at the screen. “Shit.”

I lazily tap his arm with my knuckles, too spent to do a real friendly slug.

He smiles down at me for just a split-second.

“Who is it?” Banks asks.

“Connor Cobalt.”



Business calls. Which I know I can’t avoid.

I wouldn’t.

I take care of Sulli and Banks and the rest of my men, and I’m trying not to drop a single ball because dropping one means hurting them. And everything I’ve ever done in security has been to safeguard these people who I love most.

I already dropped something.

For a hot, brief second, my fight with Banks roars back to life in my head. The crappy thing, I don’t regret fighting him at all. But I do regret throwing blows at the Winter Festival. I bruised my company’s reputation and almost lost the respect of my men.

Can’t believe I did that.

And then, I can.

Because he’s at the top of my list of who I’d do senseless things for. Right next to Sullivan Meadows.

Now we’re in bed together, and I thought we screwed the tense parts of the night away. Sulli is sleepy and bare and totally gorgeous as she battles exhaustion, not wanting to miss a thing because of sleep.

I prop myself further up the iron headboard. “I’ll put it on speaker if you two agree to stay quiet.” I have no interest in relaying this conversation again.

Mainly, I have about negative-infinity desire to leave this bed for a phone call. Not again. We’re all naked, sweaty, warm, and content. Leaving this peace and refuge is being erased off my to-do list tonight.