So I’m not too shocked to find her literally clutching the pearls at her neck. Her Birkin is hooked on the crook of her arm, and at first, I think she’s aghast at the interior decorating: butcher block counters, forest-green cupboards, and four velvety yellow stools hugging the long island, complete with a deep sink.

No glitz or real glamour.

But she’s not critiquing the cupboards.

Or even my pile of dirty dishes in the sink.

She’s standing at the refrigerator while Maximoff and Farrow square off with her in front of the sink, and I realize we’ve walked into a very bad showdown.

“You need to call them now,” Maximoff says coldly. “Tell them not to come.”

What the fuck is going on?

Farrow glances our way, noticing Akara, Banks, and me sliding into the kitchen. Akara immediately heads for the trash to toss the pasta and paper bowls.

Grandmother Calloway briefly glances to me. “Sullivan, dear…” She eyes my sweaty shirt, then forces a tight smile. “Tell your mother I said hi and that we should grab lunch soon.”

“Maybe you should tell her yourself,” I try to say without being too rude. But for one, I’m more apprehensive than eager to call my mom, and for another, if my mom is avoiding my grandmother’s calls, it’s because she doesn’t want to talk to her.

Fucking duh.

A noise catches in her throat like I was offensive.

Moffy cuts back in and repeats with force, “Tell them not to come.”

She makes a show of blowing out a dramatic breath. “That’s a little overboard, Max. They’re on their way right now.”

“Who?” Akara asks. He’s in full-on security mode, hand already slinking to the cell in his pocket.

Grandmother Calloway ignores him, but Farrow answers easily, “Delivery men. She bought Jane a wedding present that’s being delivered today.”

“I didn’t buy my granddaughter anything.” She bristles. “I’ve been waiting for someone to wed in this family, so I can give them this family heirloom.”

Fucking ouch.

Maximoff and Farrow got married before Thatcher and Jane. Moffy goes rigid next to his husband, jaw setting down like he’s grinding his teeth.

Farrow is usually cool, calm, collected, but he’s staking knives into my grandmother. His hand slips into Moffy’s hand.

I swear she prickles more.

And I grow hot with anger. “You can leave now,” I snap.

“Excuse me,” Grandmother balks at me. “Sullivan, you can’t speak to me that way.”

Fucking leave! I almost yell, but I temper my building rage. Winona has a hard time controlling her anger, and I don’t want these hotheaded fragments to take over. “I don’t think you should be here,” I say less concisely, less angrily.

“Well, I am.” She humphs.

“Sulli is right,” Moffy says. “If you wanted to come here, you should’ve called.”

“My grandchildren live here. I don’t need to call.”

Farrow rolls his eyes, then says, “See, we need to establish boundaries. If your grandchildren are saying they want you to call, then you need to call before you arrive. It’s that simple.”

She purses her lips. “Well, I don’t see Jane anywhere. She lives here too, and this gift is for her.”

Moffy cracks a few knuckles.

Akara tenses more, then leans over and speaks hurriedly to Farrow. “Delivery men are coming up here?”

I wonder if this is a security breach.

Farrow shakes his head. “Man, no one is coming up here. It’s not happening.”

Grandmother Calloway makes a noise. “It’s not for you to decide. Jane appreciates sentimental gifts.”

“What is it?” Banks asks.

Grandmother Calloway waves a hand at him like he’s a fly. “It’s a wonderful surprise for my eldest granddaughter.” And a surprise for all of us. Her eyes are on Moffy. “Don’t deprive your cousin of that just because of your issues with me.”

Moffy hesitates, brows knitting in doubt.

Farrow glares harsher at her.

“I’d ask Jane right now,” Moffy says. “But she’s on a plane—”

“Then it’s settled,” Grandmother Calloway interrupts quickly. “We’ll have the delivery men set it up in the living room.” She checks her diamond encrusted watch. “Look at the time. I have tea with some friends.” She struts towards the door. “Take care, Max—oh my Lord!”

Luna pops into the kitchen. Googly eyes still on her face. “Hey, Grannie,” she says casually as she grabs a Fizz Life out of the fridge.

Grandmother Calloway’s face goes red. “Luna, dear. You have something on your face.”

“You were leaving,” Maximoff says firmly before their interaction can last any longer.

I could fucking applaud. Maybe even do a cartwheel. Because she actually nods curtly and heads out the fucking door.

Good riddance.

Farrow is quick to follow her out, untrusting. I don’t really blame him on that front. She’s the reason Jane had to deal with the Cinderella ad, and now she’s personally delivering her a “surprise” wedding present. I don’t envy how obsessed our grandmother is with Jane’s life.

Akara clicks his mic. “Akara to Quinn, go to the lobby. Don’t let any delivery men into the private elevator.”