We’re at her dad’s lake house. Before I’m tempted to walk her into the fridge, I break the sweltering kiss. Leaving us breathless.

“Fucking whoa.” She grips the counter, dizzy. “That was…not negative-hundred.”

I rub my lips that start to upturn. Lord knows I want to kiss Sulli without cracking a crater into hell, but if hell is where I need to go, I’m going. “You wanna dial it back?” Even as I ask, I can see the answer on her face.

“Fuck, no.” She touches her reddened lips. “I guess that was what…a level-seventy?”

“Yeah, about there.”

“Let’s just keep PDA at that level then. Respectful but not fucking hiding.”

“Amen,” I nod with a growing smile. “I’ll let Akara know.” He’s at security’s cabin right now having a meeting with Oscar, Quinn, Gabe, and Donnelly. The guys who aren’t dating a famous one.

When I bend down to unload the water bottles, Winona slips into the kitchen with three canvas tote bags of groceries.

“Hey, Nona, I’ve got that…” Sulli trails off because I already take her sister’s bags.

“Thanks, Banks,” Winona says, a little cautious around me. Like she’s still determining my intentions with her older sister. Sulli told me Winona is Team Triad, but Akara and I think that’s what Winona hopes to be.

She doesn’t really know me. I’ve never been a Meadows bodyguard until recently. She hasn’t really seen me with her sister like she’s seen Akara.

It’s alright.

I’m used to being seen but not seen. The twin. It always takes extra effort for people to get to know me.

I nod to Winona. “No problem.” I place the groceries next to the Bilbo cake.

She ties the bottom of her cargo shirt that came undone. “Sulli, I, uh, have some bad news.” She winces and tucks a strand of dishwater-blonde hair behind her ear.

Sulli frowns. “What is it, squirt?”

I kick the fridge open, listening as I shove a few water bottles onto the shelf.

“My Christmas present for you.” Winona is still wincing. “I have to tell you what it is. I don’t think you’ll want it anymore, and I don’t want you to be bummed out when you open it.”

“There’s no way I’d—”

“It’s a Vegan Lover shirt and a mug,” Winona cuts her off nervously. “And a vegan restaurant guide. I should’ve realized you weren’t that into it. I just—”

“Oh no, those are fucking awesome presents. I still want them.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.” Sulli smiles off her sister’s smile. “And hey, I might not be vegan, but you all are fucking rock stars to me. Even more than before.”

Winona bounces towards her sister like a kangaroo, and they do a long, secret handshake that includes howling.

My mouth curves up again.

Meadows girls.

I watch Sulli for an extra beat, her brown hair spilling madly around her squared jaw and lively green eyes. You fucking fool, Banks Roscoe Moretti, you fell in love with a Meadows girl.

How this all plays out with her family and the world is yet to be seen. All I know is I’m not leaving willingly. Who’s gonna drag my ass away?

Her dad?


Internet trolls?

Come at me.

“NONA! WHERE YOU AT?!” Vada Abbey’s voice sounds off from the front door.

Winona’s face brightens. Her friends are here.


The Meadows sisters squeeze each other in one last tight hug before Winona races off. She peeks back at me, and I just wave goodbye.

I’d like to think she’s smiling, but the wall out in front of her knows better than me.

Sulli comes closer. “I know Winona doesn’t care, but I still wish I could’ve lasted longer.”

“You couldn’t be vegan forever. It’s hard for people who aren’t picky eaters, and no offense, you’re probably the pickiest of ‘em all.”

She mock huffs. “I am thoroughly fucking offended.”

“That so?” I abandon a water bottle to edge nearer.

My hands fall to her hips.

“No, I haven’t fucking told her,” Ryke says. His gruff voice sounds close, and Sulli and I share a frown before we split apart.

Her parents aren’t supposed to be here until tonight. After clutching her hand, I follow the sound a quarter down the hallway.

Maximoff’s broad shoulder peeks from the study, and I pull Sulli against the wall before we reach that room.

I press my finger to her lips. Her heart thumps hard against my chest.

“Are you planning on it?” Maximoff asks on speaker phone. With Ryke.

“I don’t fucking know,” Ryke curses into a groan. “She’s going to be so upset with me. I’m fucking everything up these days.”

Someone else laughs dryly over the phone. “Christ, it’s about time. For a minute there, I thought I was the only screw up.” Loren Hale. Maximoff’s dad.

Maximoff must be on a three-way call with his dad and uncle.

Sulli’s shoulders drop, and as quietly as she can, she whispers to me, “You think he regrets trying to make me choose one of you?”

Could be. I shrug while we listen more.