Startled by Amanda’s unexpected reaction, Melissa wrapped her arms around the little girl, held her sobbing body, offering words of comfort.

Obviously thinking similarly to her sister, Cindy crouched on the floor, hugged her knees to her chest, and curled into a ball. Eyes closed, she rocked back and forth.

Not knowing if she’d be able to get up, Melissa lowered herself to the floor, pulling Amanda and Cindy to her. The three of them embraced, crying together for what seemed like hours. Melissa cried for Jamie, for the girls, for what should have been between her and James.

Some time later, tears all dried, Amanda eyed Melissa’s dilemma. “We need a bulldozer.”

“I think you mean a crane.” Melissa smiled.

The girls each took a hand and between them and the teacher who’d stood by, nervously watching them huddle on the school floor, Melissa managed to get to her feet.

But not without a new stab of pain across her back. A sharp one that stole her breath. Fortunately, it lasted only seconds, but she didn’t need James to know she’d overdone it.

The girls looked so forlorn when she told them where she planned to take them that she didn’t have it in her to just drop them off and leave. Instead, she drove to Dekalb, bought meals from a fast-food chain and explained what she could of what Jamie wanted her daughters to know about her depression.

They listened to Melissa’s explanations with an understanding in their eyes that belied their ages. Then again, they’d lived through hell the past year.

Although Jamie would still face a lot of issues when she came home, they would be more supportive. Jamie would have the girls and Dr Arnold, who Melissa had contacted. Admitting that he had feelings for Jamie, he planned to drive to Nashville.

Despite the chilly, snowy weather, Amanda wanted an ice-cream cone. Melissa gave Cindy the money to purchase one and watched the girls go hand in hand to pay for it.

Her phone rang.

She glanced at the displayed number and her heart tripped. “Hello, James.”

“Where are you? I finished early and expected to find you asleep.”

“I’m in Dekalb.”

Silence. “Everything OK?”

“Fine.” Except that her back was killing her and Jamie had been hospitalized for suicidal ideations and she’d lost the best thing that had ever happened to her—him.

“Debbie told me about Jamie Moss.” Had he read her mind? “I knew you’d be upset. That’s why I hurried home.”

Home. These past few weeks with him, it had felt like home. But James would leave and home would no longer be home. Home was where the heart was and hers lay with James.

Her gaze fell on the two young girls watching her curiously. All they’d faced hit her again with full force. Life was so short, so precious.

In that moment she knew that she could deal with the fallout of James leaving, but not idly or with acceptance. He may think he was going back to Nashville after their baby was born, but she’d pack the baby’s things and her own and follow him. Now that she knew why he kept the world at bay, she’d find a way around those protective walls and heal his heart.

He’d loved her once and she’d do whatever it took to nurture and restore those feelings.

“Melissa?” James said, reminding her that he was on the phone.

“I’ll be home in about an hour.” She hoped he didn’t catch the break in her voice. Why had she gone weepy-eyed? “I’ve got to take the girls to Jamie’s sister.”

He hesitated, as if he suspected more was going on. Perhaps he thought her emotional state was because of Jamie. Just wait until she told him the truth.

“Be careful,” he warned. “The roads are dangerously slippery.”

The roads were treacherous. Snow had turned to sleet and sheets of ice pelted her car. The drive took twice as long as it should have. She feared losing control on the icy road.

By the time she pulled into her garage, the ache in her back had increased to the point where it was all she could do not to cry out with pain. She leaned forward, resting her head on the steering wheel. Rubbing her hands over her lower back, she tried to figure out how to tell James all the things in her heart.

Her car door opened and James touched her shoulder. “You OK?”

She looked up, startled. He must have rushed out the second he’d heard the garage door. What did that mean?