She wanted to argue, but fatigue and the steely look in his eyes held her tongue. “You’re sure?”

“Positive.” His tone softened. “One of us has to look out for our child and you’re too stubborn to take care of yourself, much less our baby. Get some rest, even if it’s just a short nap. I’ll watch over the girl.”

A short nap. Just a few more minutes of sleep. Because she was sleepy. Exhausted. When she’d rested a bit, she’d tell him that she was taking care of their baby, taking her vitamins, and forcing down three meals a day.

“I’m not that tired.” Melissa yawned, giving herself away.

“Lie down,” he ordered. “Now, before I make you.”

Under different circumstances James making her to lie down could have been a fun experience. Now he was too reserved, too serious, too not hers anymore.

Just a short nap. That’s all she needed. Then she’d have the energy to deal with him.

She lay down on the sofa and covered herself with the afghan Norma Prater had crocheted after Melissa diagnosed her granddaughter’s appendicitis mere hours before the appendix would have ruptured. Melissa had arranged for Dr Arnold to see the girl that same morning and he’d done an emergency appendectomy just in the nick of time.

According to Norma, Dr Arnold had said the girl would have died, or at least been critically ill, if Melissa hadn’t acted so quickly.

She loved her job. Taking care of others came naturally, made her feel alive, gave her purpose, and made her feel needed.

James was right when he’d said she needed to be needed. She did. Perhaps it came from feeling like an unwanted fifth wheel during her childhood.

Treating her like a kid, James tucked the blanket Norma had made with love around her. His touch firm, yet gentle. Easily, she could picture him doing the same for their baby.

James would be a good father.

She hugged the blanket to her, letting its softness wrap her in coziness. Or maybe the coziness came from knowing James stood close.

“Cindy’s chart is on my desk if you need it.” She yawned again, her insides feeling warmer than they had in weeks. “You’ll wake me if she needs me?”

Watching her curl up on the sofa, he nodded. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Good night, Melissa.”

Melissa closed her eyes. “Good night, James.”


MELISSA became aware of her surroundings in slow steps. The first thing to strike her was the pain in her lower back.

She went to stretch and realized she wasn’t in her bed at her house. She was on the sofa in her office.

James was there, looking after Cindy.

She opened her eyes, squinted to make out her watch hands. Ten o’clock? No way.

Ignoring her protesting muscles, she sat up.

Why hadn’t James woken her up?

She glanced at the drawn window shades. Shades she always kept open. The sunlight would have woken her. Which probably answered her question of why he’d drawn them to begin with.

Now she would be more behind than ever.

Dizziness washed over her the moment she stood up. When was this horrible sick feeling ever going to pass?

She made the necessary trip to the private bathroom in her office. After she finished business and brushing her teeth, she splashed water on her face.

She’d slept better than she had in weeks. But now she had patients who’d been waiting all morning. Plus, Cindy’s IV would need to be changed.

James would be long gone as he had classes today. Why had he made the drive last night? Arrived at her office in the dead of night? Put her to bed, well, sofa?