“OK,” she agreed, although he could tell it was with reluctance.

“Good. You need to eat.”

She gave him a disgusted look. “Not you, too.”

“Debbie giving you a hard time?” he asked, grinning, trying to lighten the mood. Although confused about the emotions running though him, he couldn’t stand to see her so stressed. Besides, spending the evening with her would only show her that much more what she’d lost.

Looking puzzled at his olive branch, she nodded. “Hopefully the nausea will pass soon, but until then I’m condemned to listen to her complain about my weight.”

“You’re too thin,” he said, causing her to frown. There he went, upping the tension again. Not that he’d meant to but, hell, she was too thin.

Her spine went ramrod straight. “Thanks.”

“I just meant that you’ve lost weight when you should be gaining it.”

Her chin lifted. “Lots of women lose weight during the first stages of pregnancy.”

“Four, maybe five months is past the first stages, don’t you think?” He raked his gaze over her slender frame. Despite the bulge at her midsection, her clothes hung loosely and her bones were too prominent. “How much have you lost? Ten pounds? Fifteen?”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll put it back on.”

“What did Dr McGowan say when you saw him?”

“That I need to eat more, but I’m healthy. He doesn’t expect any complications.”

Her gaze wouldn’t meet his and she hesitated just long enough that he knew Dr McGowan hadn’t glossed over her weight as much as she let on.

“Does he know I’m the father?”

“He asked how you were, so I assume he knows. I listed you as my emergency contact.” Her face wrinkled in thought. “I did it without thinking, then second-guessed whether or not I should have since we’re not together, but I’d written in ink.”

How had things become so awkward between them?

Him moving out of the house and an unplanned pregnancy. That’s how.

“It’s fine,” he assured her, shutting down the computer and locking up his and Kristen’s notes inside a cabinet. “I want to know if there’s any problems.”

But Melissa looked uncomfortable and, whether or not it fit with his desire for her to see what she’d lost, he swore that before the night was over he’d ease the worry lines furrowing her forehead.

How could he not? Her health and well-being was the health and well-being of their baby.

Going to dinner with James had been a mistake. A huge mistake.

The entire evening had been a huge mistake.

Why had she gone to where she knew she’d find him? After her appointment with Dr McGowan, she should have driven home. For that matter, why had she opted to go to an obstetrician in Nashville rather than at much closer Dekalb?

Well, Dr McGowan did do her yearly gynecological exam, so maybe James wouldn’t assume it had anything to do with him.

It didn’t have anything to do with him.

She sneaked a glance at him. He stared straight ahead, watching the late evening traffic. Thick lashes shielded his eyes and his jaw flexed with tension. His dark hair had grown out enough that it curled at the ends. She itched to touch the soft strands. Itched to touch him, period.

Her entire body had shaken when she’d put her hands on his chest in the lab.

Of course, she’d also shaken when she’d walked in to find James and Kristen practically in each other’s arms. He’d been looking at the cardiologist with deep emotion.

The muscles in Melissa’s chest clamped down and she struggled to breathe. James was an attractive man, a good man. Dr Weaver wouldn’t hold the exclusive on wanting him. Whether or not he wanted children, whether or not he hid his heart behind walls, women would line up to catch his eye and count their lucky stars if he glanced their way.