“That’s the one.” Rhonda beamed.

“That dress is absolutely gorgeous.” Gloria’s gaze traveled over Melissa’s trim figure. “And I bet it would fit perfectly.”

The light in the women’s eyes encouraged Melissa to at least take a look. She did want something different to wear tonight. Something breathtaking yet classy. Maybe Rhonda’s dress was just the thing.

She glanced at her watch. Almost five. If she hurried, she’d have time to try on the dress and dazzle James when she walked in the door by six.

She paid Peggy for her hard work, then waited for Rhonda. Fifteen minutes later she stood in Rhonda’s shop, slipping on what truly was a stunning silk dress. She half expected to look washed out, but with Peggy’s expertly applied makeup, the neutral color of the dress made her eyes appear large, sultry. The peachy tones of her lipstick made her lips look pouty. The dress was the perfect final touch.

“Come on out here. Let me see what it looks like,” Rhonda called from the other side of the dressing-room door.

Melissa stepped out.

Rhonda’s eyes widened and a smug grin stretched across her face. “I knew that dress was made for you, but those shoes have got to go.”

Melissa glanced down at her standard white walking shoes. “You have something that would work?”

“Oh, yeah, girl. I do. Come over here and let’s try some on.” Rhonda led her to a used shoe section that would rival any upscale department store. Most looked to be brand new or worn only once.

Melissa tried on three pairs of strappy high-heeled sandals before she found a pair she thought she could comfortably walk in and not break her neck. She told Rhonda as much.

“Honey, looking like you do, you aren’t going to have to worry about doing much walking. Dr James will have you on your back in no time flat.”

Guilt seized her. Rhonda, along with the women at the salon, must think she and James were planning a special night in. No wonder, since she’d gone to so much trouble with her appearance when they’d never known her to do so.

Even Debbie didn’t know of James’s request that morning, just that Melissa had decided to fight for her man.

“You think he’s going to propose tonight?” Rhonda sounded wistful, as if she couldn’t think of anything more romantic than James proposing.

That’s when the truth struck Melissa. If James had proposed under the right circumstances, she couldn’t think of anything more romantic either.

Under duress because she was pregnant lacked romance altogether. Particularly following his announcement that he was moving out.

She wanted the dream. James, babies, a happy home, and a happily-ever-after of her own.

Melissa shook her head. “Don’t go starting rumors. We’re just having a night in. It’s been a while.”

Rhonda nodded, but didn’t look convinced. “With the way you work I don’t know how y’all see each other at all. I’m glad you’re taking some time for you and that scrumptious doctor friend of yours. You do so much for others. It’s about time you did something for yourself.”

Melissa smiled at Rhonda, thinking that she’d made some good friends in Sawtooth over the past few years.

Friends. Something she hadn’t had during her childhood mainly because of the moves from one foster-family to another. After a while she’d just quit trying to make friends, but now she had them. When had that happened and why hadn’t she realized? Because she’d been too busy to stop and smell the roses. Just like with James.

But wasn’t it easier to focus on work than on the problems with their relationship? With the fact that what she wanted was in direct opposition to what he wanted?

She touched her belly. She wanted their baby.

Remembering that Rhonda could be watching, Melissa blushed, paid for the dress and shoes, and waved good-bye. She’d just put her soiled clothes and walking sho

es in the passenger seat of her car when her cell phone rang.

She looked at the number. Her office.


“Are you still in town?” Debbie asked, sounding flustered.

“Yes. I’m outside Rhonda Peterson’s shop. Why?”