“You do love James, don’t you?” Debbie’s question echoed her thoughts.

Definitely Melissa was closer to him than any other person who’d ever come into her life. She couldn’t imagine her life without him in it, but was that love?

“You’re thinking about this way too long.”

“I care for him.” Melissa opted for a safe answer, not wanting her friend to know how much it hurt that James might leave.

“That’s a lame answer.” Her friend didn’t mince her words. “I was feeling sorry for you, but maybe it’s James who deserves my sympathy. You’ve been seeing him for two years and you don’t know if you love him?”

Melissa grimaced.

“Well, let me point out the obvious. You’re crazy about James and if you lose him because you’re too afraid to admit it, then it’s no one’s fault but your own.”

“He’s the one who holds his emotions in. Not me.”

“Oh, really?” Debbie’s brow quirked. “I’d say you’ve got one heck of a fortress around your heart. If you want to keep James in your life, you’re going to have to open the door and let him in.”

“You have it all wrong,” Melissa said defensively. “He’s the one with the fortress. He won’t let me in.”

“OK, let’s just say you both have issues. But one of you is going to have to take a chance and let the other in. You have a baby to think about. What are you going to say to him or her? That you and James didn’t make it because you weren’t willing to trust each other with your feelings?”

Debbie made her fears seem petty, but how did one say, “I want you to let me in”?

“Look, you don’t have anything major on your schedule this afternoon. Let me see what I can reschedule until tomorrow, the rest I’ll have come in early. Go, get your hair and makeup done, because you’ve had better days.” Definitely no mincing of words. “Buy new underwear.” Debbie thought new underwear solved every problem. “Tell James how you feel about him and your relationship. See what happens. The heart doctor doesn’t stand a chance. Not if you’re willing to make James your priority.”

Hadn’t James said something to the effect of making him her priority? Was she more to blame for the problems they faced than she’d realized?

Granted, she hadn’t been the one to announce she was leaving, but part of her fear of pregnancy originated because deep down she knew her relationship with James wasn’t what it should be. Hadn’t been for months. Was that why she’d delayed taking her pregnancy test for so long? Had it been easier to ignore her symptoms, ignore him, than to face the realities of her life?

It had been too easy to put off their plans when something had come up. After all, she’d see him whenever she got home. Only more and more he hadn’t been home. He’d been in Nashville. With Dr Kristen Weaver, who jumped every time James had glanced her way and had her priorities straight.

Melissa grimaced. She’d taken James’s presence in her life for granted. No wonder he hadn’t let her behind those walls.

She didn’t want to lose him.

During the early part of their relationship, she’d been happy. Because of him, the way he’d made her feel about herself, the way she’d felt about him.

“OK,” she agreed, knowing she couldn’t let him walk out of her life without knowing she wanted him to stay. “See what you can reschedule. Call Peggy Williams.” She named one of her patients who owned a beauty salon and was forever offering her services. “See if she can give me the works.”

For the rest of the afternoon, Melissa stayed focused on her patients. Mrs Erma Johnson needed a refill on her blood pressure medicine. Darla Qualls had an allergic reaction to her antibiotic. Melissa glanced at her last chart of the day. Samantha Cantor, a pretty teenager who would soon be starting university about half an hour’s drive away.

“Hi, Sam,” she said, entering the exam room and glancing at Debbie’s notation on the chart. Pain with urination for two weeks. “Are you burning when you go to the bathroom?”

“Some, but my stomach hurts all the time.” She rubbed her suprapubic area, the lowest part of the abdomen, which rested above her pubic bone. “Right here.”

“Have you noticed a strong odor or seen any blood?”

Sam nodded. “This is a bit embarrassing, but sex hurts. I have a horrible discharge. It’s…” her face turned bright red “…green and foamy.”

Sounded like Trichomonas pallidium. “How many sexual partners have you had?”

Sam’s cheeks glowed. “Just one. Bobby and I have been dating for three years. Nothing like this has ever happened before.”

“Does Bobby have any symptoms?”

“Not that I’m aware of.” Averting her eyes, the girl shook her head. “I mean, he looks the same and all.”

Melissa noted her responses in her chart. No need to upset Sam until she knew for sure what was going on.