They’d never go back.

When she told Blake she was pregnant, her news would forever destroy any hope of that.

She missed everything about him—his smile, his teasing, his wit, his friendship, his kisses. Everything.

Still, she had to think about the baby—a baby! His baby. She and Blake would have to talk, would have to figure out how they wanted to handle the future.

For her, abortion wasn’t an option. If Blake wanted her to go that route he’d have to think again. He wouldn’t suggest terminating her pregnancy, though.

Or maybe he would.

She just didn’t know anymore.

Knowing she’d been in the private bathroom she and Blake shared too long already, she picked up the plastic pregnancy kit, clenched the test tightly in her sweaty palm. She couldn’t leave the kit. Nor could she leave the wrapper.

Gathering up the test she’d taken from their small lab, she stuffed it into her purse and zipped the oversized bag to hide all evidence.

Planning to lock her purse in her desk drawer, she stepped into the hallway separating her and Blake’s offices.

They rarely shut their office doors, so as usual his was open. His voice carried out into the hallway.

“I’ll swing by and do rounds before I go home tonight.”

Darby’s gaze was drawn to where he sat at his desk. His dark head was bent, studying a paper on his desk while he spoke on the phone. Would their baby have his dark eyes and hair? His superb bone structure? His quick wit and smile?

The depth of emotion swamping her stunned her. Never had she considered getting pregnant, but she wanted Blake’s baby.

Unaware that she watched him, he initialed the paper, then flipped to the next. “Go ahead and draw another CBC. I’ll check the results when I’m there later.” He glanced up, saw her. His mouth tightened into a thin line of displeasure.

An intense longing for the days when he would wink or grin or motion for her to come into his office hit Darby.

She was pregnant.

With his baby.

Oh, Blake.

Of their own accord, her hands went to her belly.

His narrowed gaze lowered, widened, then rose to hers, full of wonder and question.

Darby’s stomach lurched. He knew.

She had never been good at hiding her emotions. Why would an unexpected pregnancy be the exception? She should have known Blake would take one look at her and know.

Whether or not she was ready to share her news, Blake knew.

They were going to be parents.


“I’VE got to go,” Blake told the nurse he spoke with, his gaze never moving from Darby’s guilty face. “I’ll take care of anything else when I’m at the hospital.”

An invisible hand kneading his insides, he hung up the phone and stared at the pale woman standing outside his office, watching him with mounting horror.

Was she?

Her mouth opened, almost as if she’d heard his silent question, but no words came out.