Fighting the panic rising in his chest, he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close and taking her hand back in the opposite hand.

She needed him right now. In ways that had nothing to do with their having had sex. She needed him as her friend and colleague. It was okay if he held her, comforted her. It was no more than he’d have done even if they hadn’t spent the night having sex.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t been with me, Blake.”

He understood. He had felt as if he was six years old again when he’d stepped into the room and seen Darby’s mother lying on the floor. Only this time he’d known what to do. Just as Darby had.

“You’d have done everything that needed doing. Just as you always do,” he assured her, knowing it was true. Darby was the most capable woman he’d ever known.

“I felt so helpless, so weak, as if nothing I was doing made any difference,” she whispered, so low he barely heard her.

“You saved her life, Darby.”

“We both did.” She sucked in a deep breath. “I’m glad we were here.”

“Me, too,” he agreed, although the truth was he wished he’d never stepped foot in Armadillo Lake, never crossed lines that shouldn’t have been crossed. But now wasn’t the time to deal with his recriminations. Not when Darby’s mother fought for her life. Right now Darby needed him, and he’d be here for her. Once they were back in Knoxville he’d deal with straightening things out between them. “Armadillo Lake needs a doctor.”

“She can’t die, Blake. I couldn’t bear it if she died.” Darby’s eyes closed, her body tensed, but she didn’t say anything else.

He glanced up, his gaze meeting Darby’s oldest brother’s blue eyes. Jim didn’t say anything, just took in how Darby leaned against Blake before nodding his approval.

Would her brother be nodding if he knew Blake had stolen his sister’s virginity? That he’d taken something precious from her? Him, a man who used women for pleasure, gave pleasure in return, but never wanted anything more.

His stomach churned with guilt. Darby deserved better than what he offered women. She deserved roses, romance, and happily ever after. Things Blake had no reason to believe in, much less any desire to give.

Her entire family was in the waiting room now. Jim had called his brothers, and most had met them at the hospital. He’d driven his father and Rosy to the hospital. Blake had followed in his SUV.

“She’s going to be okay, isn’t she?” Darby spoke low, and Blake understood the reasons why. All day she’d been strong, had been the one fielding her family’s questions. Only with him did she feel she could let her guard down enough to show the slightest weakness, the slightest fear.

Her raw pain caught him in the solar plexus.

“Yes,” he answered, hoping he told the truth. Darby’s mother had suffered a myocardial infarction and, according to the emergency room physician, was currently being examined by the cardiologist on staff. Blake stroked Darby’s hair, kissed the top of her head. “She’s going to be fine, sweetheart. You’ll see.”

Blake willed that to be the case, trying not to wince at his use of the endearment. In that moment he’d have done anything to keep her from hurting, anything to comfort her and give her happiness, and quite frankly that scared the hell out of him.

“Darby, we need to talk—”

“Oh, Darby, I just heard about your mother.” Mandy Coulson and Trey Nix entered the waiting area. “Bobby had his surgery this morning,” Mandy continued, before any of them could say a word. “Trey and I have been with Cindy, waiting in his hospital room. We stepped out to get a drink and ran into Carla. She told us everything.”

Darby tensed in Blake’s arms. Because of Mandy? Because of Nix? From desire? Hating the jealousy flowing through his green veins, Blake tightened his hold.

“I’m sorry to hear about your mother, Darby,” Nix said, standing awkwardly near them.

Darby pulled loose from Blake’s arms, straightened, smiled at the couple. “Thank you. That’s sweet of you.”

Sweet? Blake scowled.

“Is there anything we can do?” Mandy stepped closer.

Darby shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

Mandy’s gaze lowered, then she nodded, as if in understanding of Darby’s cool tone. “We’ll keep her in our prayers.”

Darby stared straight at Mandy, her expression unreadable. “Thank you.”

The cardiologist stepped into the waiting room and all eyes turned to him.

“Mrs. Phillips has suffered an acute MI, but thus far isn’t showing any major residual damage. She’s going to be admitted for observation. I’m going to do an arteriogram in the morning, but overall she’s a very lucky woman.”