No wonder women flocked to him, were devastated when he moved on to the next beauty who caught his eye. Four years and she’d never seen the man’s naked torso. Now she’d never be able to forget—never be able to look at him and not know what he hid beneath those tailored shirts.

Lord help her.

Lord help him. Because she really wanted to just tell him how beautiful she thought his body was, how beautiful she found his heart and soul, his sense of humor, everything about him.

As if sleeping in the same bed with him was no big deal, she climbed in and tugged her pillow out from behind him. “Give me that.”

As if sleeping with her were no big deal, he grinned at her. “I was warming it up for you. Say thanks”

“Thanks.” What he’d done was make her pillow smell of his musky scent, all spice, sandalwood, and Blake.

“I turned the air down. That okay? I sleep better when the room is a little cool.”

“Fine.” She didn’t need a play-by-play of his sleeping habits. Really. Just knowing they were going to be in the same bed, sharing the same blankets, that her pillow smelled of him, was already playing havoc with her imagination and her will power not to roll over and jump him.

Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself of mind over matter. She could do this. She soooo didn’t want to run her fingers over those indentions on his stomach. She didn’t want to trace each outline of that six-pack. With her hands. Her mouth. Nope, she was immune to Blake’s charms if all he wanted from her was sex.

She was a mighty oak that couldn’t be swayed by pin-up calendar abs and spicy musk that made a woman want to deeply inhale. Not her.


But maybe if she kept telling herself she didn’t want him, she’d make it through the night without embarrassing herself.

Because she wanted so much more from Blake than just sex.

She wanted him. The whole package.

“I called the hospital and spoke with the night nurse. All of our patients are doing about the same. Dr. Kingston made a round on them this evening and introduced himself.”

See, even lying there half-naked, with her on the opposite side of the bed, Blake was only thinking business. Just because she’d hoped this weekend would jumpstart their relationship into who knew what, that didn’t mean he knew she’d asked him to Alabama innocently enough the afternoon the reunion invitation arrived, but quickly realized she hoped for much more.

“He plans to stop by the hospital in the morning.”

“Thanks for letting me know.” She’d meant to call and check on Mr. Hill and Mrs. Mayo after they’d first gotten back to the hotel room, but she’d been distracted by Blake pulling his acoustic guitar from its case. Somewhere between the country music classics she’d forgotten everything except soaking in Blake’s hypnotic voice.

She tugged on the covers, tucking the material around her neck.

“You ready for the light to go out?”

Light? Oh, he meant the television. “Sure. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

He clicked the remote, then put the device onto the nightstand next to his side of the bed. “Goodnight, Darby.”

“Goodnight, Blake.”

“Sweet dreams.”

“You too.

They lay in the dark for a long time, with Darby acutely aware of each breath he took, of every movement of his body, of the fact his beautiful chest was bare beneath the sheet. All she’d have to do was reach out to feel those hard muscles bunched beneath his smooth skin.

She could accidentally brush against him. Just a quick brush of her fingertips against all that temptation.

“Why aren’t you asleep?” he asked after a few minutes.

Because now that I’ve seen your chest I’m not sure I’ll ever sleep again.
