baby a home? A family?

Even if he looked at her with love, she wouldn’t really know. After all, she’d seen what a great actor he was on the weekend of the reunion.

If Blake wanted her to believe he loved her, that was what she’d believe.

But would she really?

Did she really want to be with a man when she wasn’t sure why he was with her? A man she loved wholeheartedly but who didn’t love her in return? But what about their baby? Didn’t she owe it to their baby to give him the benefit of the doubt?

Oh, this was crazy. If she wanted to know why Blake was here, what was she doing outside? Why wasn’t she inside, asking him why he was here? Why he’d bought the rest of her dream property?

She started to push herself up from the dock, but realized Blake stood behind her. How long had he been there?

“You didn’t come back inside,” he said softly, moving onto the deck and sitting down beside her. He sat close enough that she felt his body heat, close enough that she could breathe in his musky scent. Close enough that she wanted to lean against his shoulder, feel his arms around her, and stay there forever.

Instead, she continued to look out at the lake, pretending to be mesmerized by the sunshine bouncing off the water.

“I needed a few minutes to digest that you’re here.” She could feel his gaze on her, wanted to turn and look at him, but refused.

“Is my being here a bad thing?” he asked.

“Just unexpected. You’re always welcome, Blake. I told you that. I won’t try to keep you away from the baby.” Unable not to, she glanced toward him. “Is that why you bought the land next to mine? So you could build a place to stay when you come to visit our child?”

He blew out a long breath and shook his head. “I sold everything in Knoxville.”

Her head jerked up. “You did what?”

“I sold the practice to Dr. Kingston, my house to an out-of-state couple. I’m moving to Armadillo Lake permanently.”

“But…but what will you do?”

“I’ve applied for an Alabama medical license. I plan to practice here.”

“But…but why?”

“Simple.” His gaze met hers, held. “You’re here.”

“And the baby?”

“Yes, and our baby.” He glanced toward her flat belly. “How are you feeling? Any morning sickness?”

“Mild nausea, but that’s it.” She studied him, wondering if she’d inhaled too many paint fumes and was imagining that he was really here. Maybe she’d fainted and was lying on the floor of her future examination room. “You really sold out in Knoxville?”

“I did.”

“But you liked Knoxville.”

“Not after you left.”

Darby’s heart came to a quick halt. What was he saying? Had he been struck by guilt that she’d taken off pregnant and alone? Had he felt responsible? Felt he had to come to Alabama to take care of her and their baby?

“Tell me you want me here, Darby. Tell me I’m welcome in your life still.”

“I want you here.” More than anything she wanted him with her. Always. But not because they were business partners. She wanted Blake in her life because he couldn’t imagine his life without her. “You’re welcome in my life.”

His gaze searched hers. “Tell me you’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you.”

“Okay.” She nodded, wondering where he was going with this, wondering why her heart shook like a motor sputtering to life. “I’ve missed you as much as you’ve missed me.” More. Lots more, she silently added.