“My conscience won’t let me.”

“Because of what happened with me?” Darby asked in surprise, not quite believing what she was hearing. All these years she’d assumed Mandy hadn’t cared how she’d hurt her.

“It wasn’t until yesterday at the picnic, when I saw you with Blake, that I knew you and Trey weren’t meant to be together.”

Had it only been yesterday? The picnic seemed so long ago.

“You and Blake are perfect together.”


They’d been perfect last night in bed.

They’d been perfect partners prior to this weekend.

Now? Darby wasn’t sure perfect was the right adjective for what was happening between her and Blake.

“I envy you.” Mandy grimaced. “I have another admission to make. Despite knowing I couldn’t be with Trey, I couldn’t bring myself to mail your invitation. I wanted you here for so many reasons, yet I was scared of what might happen when you came home.” Mandy grasped her arm. “Can you ever forgive me?”

Surprised by all the emotional swings the weekend had brought, Darby glanced at the woman who’d once been her best friend, thought about all that had transpired, and tried to let go of past hurts. “I can forgive you, but I’m not sure I have it in me to do more than that. Too much has happened, too many hurts.”

Tears shining in her eyes, Mandy nodded.

“Darby, is everything okay?”

Darby turned, stared at Trey, then beyond him to where Blake stood. Apparently both men had tired of waiting and come in search of them.

Seeing Trey’s gaze go beyond her to Mandy, Darby nodded. “Everything’s fine.”

Except that her mother was lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life and she’d once again fallen for a man who didn’t love her.

Darby and Blake watched Mandy and Trey leave. Mandy turned and waved. With a forced smile on her face, Darby waved back.

“What happened between you and Mandy?”

“We aired a few things.” She turned to look at Blake, wondering how she could be so aware of him physically even when they stood outside the hospital. “I’m not going back to Knoxville tonight.”

“I suspected as much. Do you want me to get us a hotel room here in Pea Ridge?”

Did she? Maybe if they were alone they could talk—could air things between them, too. Like the fact that she loved him and didn’t want to go back to things being the way they were.

“That would be great.”

“I’ll call Dr. Kingston and ask him to cover for us. And I’ll get in touch with our office manager and let her know what’s going on, so she can reschedule our appointments for tomorrow.”

She nodded. “You’re sure you don’t mind staying another night? You could go home tonight.”

“I’m not leaving you to face this alone, Darby.”

“Thank you.” She didn’t point out that she wouldn’t be alone, that she’d have her family. Because when she closed her eyes tonight she wanted to be wrapped in his arms, with him purging the awful memories of the day, replacing them with new memories, memories full of hope for a better tomorrow.

But late that night, when they arrived at the hotel, Blake did leave her alone.

Alone in a hotel room, with him in a room across the hallway.

Darby cried herself to sleep.

Darby’s mother’s procedure went well the following day, and although she had mixed feelings about leaving, Darby knew she and Blake had to go home. If only long enough for her to pack a few things and drive back down by herself. Blake could cover at the office for however long was needed.