Seeing her confusion, he grinned. “I’m the local vet—moved here from Texas a few years back when Doc Tatum retired.”

“Mark Lytle,” she repeated, the name registering. She recalled her family mentioning him.

“I’m here with Debbie Earnhart. She’s working the registration desk,” he said, a friendly smile on his face. “Although it’s definitely outside what I was trained to do, I’m forced to take care of minor human problems more often than you’d believe. Tell me how I can convince you to set up practice here.”

Darby didn’t say anything at first. Mostly because she didn’t know what to say. She’d spent most of her teenage years wanting to get away from Armadillo Lake, yet in this moment she struggled to remember why, when her hometown really did need better access to healthcare. Her own mother would have to go out of town to have her shingles checked, and Carla had almost delivered in the back seat of John’s truck because the closest doctor had been miles away.

“If I ever decide to relocate, I’ll keep your offer in mind.” Hopefully hiding her discomfort, she smiled. “Did you buy out old Doc Tatum’s vet office?”

As she’d hoped, the conversation turned to Mark’s animal health clinic. Several other couples joined them.

Blake stayed close to her side, attentive to her every need. His palm pressed low on her back in both possession and in reassurance that she could do this, had nothing to fear, and that he thought she was beautiful.

He didn’t have to say the words again.

She could see the truth in his eyes when he looked at her. Blake thought she was beautiful. On that, he wasn’t pretending.

That alone kept a smile on her face, made her aware of his nearness at all times.

They made conversation with couples, ate buffet-style finger foods, and mingled—but all the while sexual tension sizzled between them, arcing higher and higher each time their gazes met, each time their fingers brushed against the other.

Tension that had been slowly building from the moment she’d asked him to pretend to be in love with her. Tension that had twisted her body into knots at waking curled against his body. Tension that had mounted during his possessive claim of her mouth under the oak tree. Tension that threatened to explode if he didn’t quit looking at her as if he wanted to lick her from head to toe.

A commotion at the front of the room had Darby glancing that way. Mandy and Trey. Together. Homecoming Queen and King. Head cheerleader and star quarterback. Former best friend and former major crush.

For weeks she’d thought the sight of seeing them would be like taking a bullet to the heart. Surprisingly, she’d felt more regret over wasted time and heartache. During high school she’d lost her best friend—and over what? A guy. Okay, so when she’d been sixteen Trey had seemed like much more than just a guy, but what had she known back then? Not much.

Funny how time changed things.

Like her relationship with Blake.

Because this weekend had changed things between them.

When he’d kissed her earlier she’d burned right down to her toes. She’d dreamed of him kissing her for years and now he really had. When she’d stared at her and Blake’s reflections in the mirror she’d wanted him to kiss her again. She wanted him to kiss her now.

She wanted Blake in a way she’d never wanted anyone. She’d been attracted to him for years, but had always known he was a playboy at heart, had wanted more than what he gave to other woman. She’d settled to have him as her friend and partner, something he had reserved just for her. But this weekend, having his attention targeted on her, having him look at her with love in his eyes—well, she’d started believing the lies and wanting Blake’s heart, wanting it badly enough that she wondered how she’d ever go back to the way things were if that was what Blake wanted.

“Darby?” He followed the direction of her gaze, cupped her elbow a bit too tight. “Are you ok


“I’m fine,” she lied, knowing that if she ruined her relationship with Blake she’d never really be fine again. “I wasn’t expecting to see them together.”

Which was better than saying, I wasn’t expecting to want you even more than I already did—wasn’t expecting to believe in your pretense of loving me since I know that’s what it is—wasn’t expecting to want to throw caution to the wind just because I can see you really do want to have sex with me.

When Mandy’s gaze connected with Darby’s, she made a beeline toward them. Her glittery gold and brown dress hugged her trim figure as she smiled and waved. “I want to thank you for what you did for my cousin’s little Bobby today.”

Keeping a forced friendly expression plastered on her face, Darby nodded. “You’re welcome. How is he?”

Mandy stood, looking gorgeous, but also equally awkward.

“Asleep.” She sighed, giving a little shake of her beauty-salon-styled hair. “Cindy is with him. As part of the reunion committee she did a lot of work, trying to make this shindig a success. She shouldn’t miss out on everything when Bobby is so sedated he won’t know whether she’s there or not.”

Had it been her son lying in that hospital bed, Darby wouldn’t have left him.

Her son?

Her blood pooled at her feet, leaving her light-headed. Where had that thought come from? Medicine had been her dream, the only one she’d ever given serious thought to after Trey. So why were there suddenly visions of dark-eyed, dark-haired toddlers dancing through her mind?