She watched his every action, admiring him more and more for his dedication to his patients, for the way he gave his all to what he did.

Although she’d worked with several excellent cardiologists, none of them compared to Daniel.

He really was the great Dr. Daniel Travis, heart surgeon extraordinaire, that she’d been hearing about weeks before arriving in Boston.

The great Daniel Travis she’d fallen in love with at first sight when she’d been only sixteen years old.

Based on the way his kiss made her feel, a lot of unresolved emotions still dwelled in her heart.

But, then, she’d never denied that she had strong feelings for Daniel. Hadn’t that been why she’d done the things she’d done? Because she cared?

It was after ten by the time they left the hospital.

Kimberly sat in the creamy leather passenger seat of Daniel’s sporty black Mercedes.

Although tired, her nerves jumped like a live wire.

Being alone with him on the way to her hotel triggered anxiety she hadn’t felt when they’d rushed to the hospital to check on Evert Reed.

Would Daniel come to her room and attempt to seduce her?

Not that she’d let him.

She wouldn’t.

But a girl needed a plan when thwarting the efforts of a man she desperately wanted.

She wanted Daniel.

Desperately. Insanely. Completely.

If she wasn’t careful she’d be the one doing the seducing, and then where would she be?

Right where she wanted to be.

In Daniel’s arms.

She gulped and stared out her window.

The drive from the hospital to her hotel only took a few minutes, but Kimberly’s eyes drooped. At first to shut out the silence looming between them, but she hadn’t slept the night before for worry at seeing Daniel, and exhaustion had caught up with her. She rested her eyes until Daniel pulled the car under the hotel awning. In only a couple more minutes she would have been fast asleep.

She expected him to hand his keys over to the valet, to insist he would accompany her inside, to at least steal another kiss, but he shook his head at the car attendant.

“I’m not staying.”

“You’re not?” She turned to him, failing to hide her surprise.

By the pleased look in his eyes she’d also failed to hide her disappointment. Disappointment she shouldn’t feel since she didn’t want him to stay. Not really.

Becoming involved with Daniel again would only complicate her life in ways she didn’t need.

“It’s late. We both have to be at the hospital early in the morning.” He placed his thumb over her lower lip and gave it a soft tweak. “No worries, love. When we share a bed again, I won’t have you so tired you’re dozing off.”

Her body shouted its protests as she climbed out of the car, smiled at the valet, and went to stand inside the hotel lobby.

She watched Daniel drive away, her heart crying that she was a fool for not persuading him to stay. What would one week of passion with Daniel hurt?

Besides everything?