He nodded. “The CRT conducts an almost simultaneous electrical impulse to all four chambers, generating proper in-sync contraction, and will have you feeling like a new woman almost immediately.”

Daniel explained more about what the woman should expect from the procedure. “Kimberly will be in the cardiac lab tomorrow when you get the CRT pacemaker.”

Kimberly smiled at the curious woman. “I work for the company that makes the pacemaker. Dr. Travis is training me this week.” The woman didn’t seem impressed, actually seemed annoyed at Kimberly’s inclusion in the conversation. So Kimberly started over. “That’s a gorgeous Afghan rug on your bed. An amazing piece of craftwork.” She’d noticed the brightly colored design the instant she’d entered the room. “Did you make it?”

Old blue eyes shifted to Kimberly, looking at her properly for the first time. Visibly, her demeanor changed.

“My granddaughter did.” The woman smiled, tenderness shining in her bright eyes. “She brought the Afghan for me to wrap up in tomorrow after the procedure. When I had my gallbladder taken out, I nearly froze afterward.” Arthritic fingers clutched the knitted rug. “She said I’m not going to be cold tomorrow.”

“No, I’d say not.” Kimberly shook her head, running her fingers over the beautiful pattern. “Your granddaughter did an excellent job. You must be very proud.”

“Taught her myself.”

Having put the woman at ease, Kimberly chatted with her about her procedure while Daniel made notes in the chart. She would make notes herself on why the woman had opted to go with the CRT. Had it been because of Daniel’s recommendation or had there been second-opinion consults? She asked other questions that might come up when she started marketing the pacemaker.

The more she learned, the better she could do her job.

Of course, if she told the truth, she’d admit she found working with Daniel fascinating.

There had never been a time when she hadn’t found everything about Daniel Travis fascinating.

Which explained why she found this week so scary.

Late that evening, Kimberly sat in an upscale Boston restaurant eating delicious seafood fresh from the Boston harbor. If she hadn’t been so nervous, she’d have said the company was quite nice. Two of Daniel’s partners had joined them, along with two local Cardico employees, one female, one male.

Walking into the restaurant they’d caught the eyes of several people. With Daniel looking fabulous, Dr. Jessup holding his own in any crowd, and the local Cardico employees having that svelte one-of-the-beautiful-people professional salesperson look, no wonder people stared with interest.

Honestly, she and Tom Underhill, a slightly balding cardiologist, probably stuck out like sore thumbs. She’d found herself sitting between Gregory and Tom, which had left Daniel sitting across from her, sandwiched between her Cardico colleagues. The female Cardico employee obviously had a thing for Daniel, but otherwise Kimberly instantly liked the busty brunette.

Candlelight flickered on each table, giving the restaurant an intimate air. A basket of melt-in-your-mouth dinner rolls tempted her to have another. Just one more, she thought, biting into one and thinking she’d crash later from so many carbohydrates—but the mouthwatering taste was worth it.

“I just love your accent,” Tom said to Kimberly, sucking the meat from his crab leg. “I think we should just all shut up and listen to you talk.”

“You never say that about my accent,” Daniel reminded his partner from across the table, the slight furrow between his brows the only indication he might be serious.

“Yeah, well, there’s a reason for that.” Gregory smiled good-naturedly. “Shut up, pal.”

“I’m just saying that I’m from the South, too.” Daniel’s tone sounded laid-back, amused, and she got that cat-and-mouse vibe again. “Just outside Atlanta, as a matter of fact.”

Kimberly shot him a warning glare. She’d prefer the table not know they’d once known each other.

“That’s where you’re from, right?” Sage asked, taking a sip from her white wine. She looked back and forth between Daniel and Kimberly and must have seen something. “Did you two know each other?”

“Atlanta is a big city.” Kimberly forced a smile and took a calming drink of her soda. She’d forgone alcohol as she didn’t want to risk letting her guard down around Daniel. “Fortunately.”

Having driven to the restaurant, Daniel opted for soda as well, but Kimberly noted the others enjoyed various alcoholic beverages. Perhaps a bit too much, based on the noise level of their laughter.

“Oh,” Gregory teased, while Tom ribbed Daniel, too. “I think you just got put in your place, bud.”

“Good thing my ego isn’t easily bruised.” Daniel smirked. His gaze lazily challenged Kimberly.

They’d gone back to a semi-peaceful truce after his brusque comeback to her praise of his accomplishments, but she trusted him about as far as she could throw him. Not even that much. She wouldn’t let her guard down, wouldn’t open herself to his scathing remarks again.

Staying away from him, keeping distance between them while not at the hospital, was her number-one priority and if she could have gotten out of this dinner, she would have. Room service and her laptop suited her needs just fine.

But tonight was business, of sorts, and had been arranged by her Cardico colleagues prior to her arrival.

Fluffing her dark hair, Sage giggled. “I’m sure any number of women would volunteer to stroke your ego, if needed, Daniel. Myself included.”