“Ye…ye…yes.” God, is that how she sounded now – gruff and defeated.

“Do you know where we are?”

Bianca hated to hear the small amount of optimism in the woman’s voice. She didn’t know and even if she did, it would be no help to them.

“N…n…no. I came here in a truck, blindfolded. I’ve never seen the outside of this place.”

There was silence for a while and Bianca was sure the woman was wallowing in her own despair. Finally, the woman spoke again.

“I’m Nicole, by the way.”

“Bianca,” she croaked out in reply.

It was nice to put a name to the voice. She stayed quiet, waiting to see if Nicole said anything else, while all the time praying that she didn’t ask any more questions. She had no good answers to give. After a few minutes Nicole was still silent. Bianca guessed she was trying to get a handle on her own situation, making a fruitless plan. Her body’s new aches and pains made themselves known and with zero energy to endure them, she let herself drift off feeling more secure knowing she had some company nearby.

Chapter two

Bianca was shocked from her sleep by the sound of yelling voices. She didn’t immediately recognise any of them. Fear rushed through her body. This place was always quiet – something horrible must be happening. Just as soon as she started to tune into what was being said, the deafening sound of gunfire blasted through the room.

She scrambled into the corner of her cell as tightly as she could and covered her ringing ears. She didn’t want to hear anymore and yet couldn’t seem to make herself close her eyes. She needed to now what was heading her way.

She felt as if her mind was seconds away from fracturing as she saw a pool of blood slowly expanding past her cell door. She desperately wanted to shut her eyes tight, to block everything out but they still wouldn’t cooperate with her wishes. The morbid sight had her transfixed.

A few minutes passed and the muffled sound of voices seemed to be getting further away. She moved her hands from her ears just in time to hear several heavy footsteps headed her way. She tried to brace herself, but for what she didn’t know and didn’t relish finding out. Petrified, she kept her eyes on her cell door as she awaited her fate. She couldn’t decide whether she wanted this to be the end or not. It wasn’t in her nature to give up, yet the idea of finally being free of this had its pros.

Bianca’s head tipped all the way back as the biggest man she’d ever seen appeared on the other side of her bars. Her breath left her lungs when she fully took in the figure before her. He was tall, heavily muscled with mid-length dark blonde hair. It was his eyes that held her attention though. They were the warmest brown she’d ever seen and an equal amount of rage, sympathy and kindness seemed to radiate from them.

Her whole body relaxed of its own accord, as if it knew something that she didn’t. It was a shock to realise she wasn’t scared. Not in the least. In fact, she wanted him closer. This man appeared like a heavenly sentinel and his caring gaze promised her safety. Finally.

A small voice in her head shouted that she was crazy as she reached out towards him, a silent plea to rescue her. She watched as he struggled to unlock the door and banged his hand against the bars in frustration. A new large shadow was cast on the wall behind him and for a split second she was petrified that someone was approaching him from behind. Her lungs stalled and panic started anew that whoever it was would hurt him and stop him from reaching her.

Two more men quickly appeared, flanking him. Clearly her savior wasn’t scared and trusted these men to have his back. She found the strength she thought had left her for good to move her head to see them all more clearly. The first thing she noticed was their size. Heavy muscle rippled under dark tees and their skin was adorned with colourful tattoos. They all looked similar but were different enough that she knew they weren’t related. Varying shades of blonde hair were highlighted by the flickering fluorescent tube light.

She forced her eyes to meet theirs. One pair was a deep sky blue, like you see at twilight on a clear night. They looked like they could see into her deepest fears and feelings. The last man’s eyes were deep set and so dark that they looked black. They wasn’t anything cold about them though and Bianca swore that they somehow sparkled like black diamonds.

She was paralysed by their stares and swore she felt her soul shift as she was encompassed in all their gazes. There eyes were promising vengeance and she could almost see the waves of anger pulsing from their huge bodies yet she knew with all confidence they weren’t directed at her. She took the first full, soothing breath that she had since this entire plan started. Her lungs smarted as she filled them to the brim. She let her taut body sag against the cold, unforgiving wall at her back, finally allowing her stressed muscles to rest with the unwavering certainty that these three men, whoever they were, would keep her safe.