Nicole just shrugged as they all got back to enjoying their burgers and hotdogs.

“Mama!” rang out from a loud, adorable little boy.

He was running towards their table, followed by his identical brothers. Bianca had no idea which triplet had shouted as she could never tell them apart. Justice, Rebel and Anarchy were some seriously good looking kids. They had every brother and old lady wrapped around their little fingers. They got into plenty of trouble with their dad, but it never lasted long. You can’t stay mad at their adorable faces and they all knew how to work it. They were so cute and cheeky. She was glad that their twins would be growing up with them.

As they got close one of them tripped, spilling his juice all over her lap. Her jeans were soaked and it had landed exactly so it looked like she’d pissed herself.

“Oops. Sorry Bee,” the culprit said looking worried.

“It’s okay, it’s just a bit of juice.”

At that moment, a much louder, deeper and panicked voice shouted, “Bianca!”

Her men barrelled towards her. She hadn’t noticed that church had finished. They each looked afraid and desperate. She didn’t have a clue what could be wrong. Bones fell to his knees in front of her.

“It’s okay, beauty, just breathe. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Before she could ask what he was on about, Digger swung her into his arms and they started to jog out of the compound.

“What on earth is going on? What has got into you three?”

“Oh love, you didn’t notice your waters break. Don’t worry we’ll take care of you. We’ll get you to the hospital.”

They kept jogging as Digger spoke. Bianca tried to reply but all that came out was laughter. Her sides hurt, she was laughing that much. She felt Digger grind to a halt and they all looked at her perplexed and as if she was mad. Eventually she could speak through her chuckles.

“My water’s haven’t broken. One of the triplets spilt his juice in my lap!”

They slowed and all sighed. She could feel Digger’s heart beating like crazy under her palm.

“Let’s just think of this as a not-so-dry run,” she giggled. They all groaned at her joke.

They got back to the house and she changed her pants. They were nearly back to the compound when a sharp pain shot across her belly and back. She felt a gush of warm water flood her crotch.
