“It’s so beautiful. I’m glad we didn’t take the highways on the way back, it would have been tragic to miss this.” Bianca said with wonder coloring her voice.

Bones just looked at her, taking in all her beauty. Her blonde hair appeared luminous and moved as if it was alive in the wind, her pale skin shone and her blue eyes seemed to glow as the sun highlighted her features. She truly was their goddess.

His stomach was pissing him off. He didn’t deal with nerves often, but right now his were wreaking havoc on his insides. He walked over to his bike and dug his hand into one of his saddlebags until his fingers felt soft leather. He pulled it free and went back to the barrier. Digger and King had been watching him and he noticed that they looked as nervous as him. His heart rate picked up. This was a pivotal moment in their lives and he couldn’t imagine a better time and place to do it.


Bianca turned around and all three of them gathered around her. She must have seen something in their expressions because her face looked concerned and she was chewing her lip. Bones felt King and Digger both grasp his hands. It looked like they were leaving it up to him to do the talking.

“Is everything okay?”

“Everything is perfect and it’s why we want you to accept this.”

He released King and Digger’s hands and held up the tiny cut that they hade made for her. This meant everything to them. It was akin to getting married and they all saw in as officially binding them together for life. They wanted to give her a ring too, but they’d decided to hold off and hopefully get engaged where all the other old ladies and brothers could share in the moment.

This right here was infinitely more personal. People get married to show everyone their love. This was about Bianca accepting them, as they are for the rest of her life. She’d be committing herself to their lifestyle, their shared dreams and hopefully years of happiness.

Bianca’s eyes rapidly filled with tears. They tumbled out and rolled down to her wide, beautiful smile. He felt his heart lighten and anticipation rode him hard.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“This is your cut. If you accept it, you’re officially our old lady. There’s no going back, so you have to be sure.”

As King spoke those words, Bones could feel himself welling up. It had to get it fucking together. Bianca surged forward and ripped the cut out of his hands. She hugged it to her chest as she frantically nodded and croaked out, “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

A huge wave of relief and joy swept over him and they all moved to bring her into their collective embrace. He buried his head in her sweet smelling hair and let out a long sigh. Their future was secure. A heavy hand landed on his neck and turned him towards Digger who took his mouth with vigor. The kiss was cut short as Bianca tugged at his cut and pulled his face down to meet hers. He took her softly, savouring her taste and soft lips. He could hear Digger and King sharing their own kiss over their heads.

“I love you, beauty,” he said against her lips.

Bianca’s breath hitched as she replied, “I love you. Thank you for making me all of yours.”

King yanked him over to him and they embraced as tightly as they could. Every part of their bodies aligned as Bones thrust his tongue between King’s lips. His soft beard brushed against his face as they took in each other’s taste with an intense passion. They pulled apart and King buried his head in his neck. He felt his words as they were breathed onto his skin.

“I love you.”

He opened his eyes and saw Digger hugging Bianca. Their eyes met and he said, “I love you too.”

A single tear dropped from his eye as he mouthed the same words back to him. He didn’t know how long they stood there, just holding and kissing each other but the sun had definitely moved positions.

“We better get going if we wanna reach the hotel before nightfall.”

They all separated and watched as Bianca stroked over the club emblem and the bottom rocker that had been stitched onto her cut. Her tiny finger traced the letters, Property of Musketeers. She pressed a kiss to the patch and looked up at all of them, her face damp, yet beaming. She pulled it on over her leather jacket and stood tall and proud with her shoulders tipped back. The white stitching on her breast, displaying her name, stood out against the solid black. Now everyone would know who she was and who she belonged too.

They moved back to the bikes and Bianca climbed on behind King for the rest of the journey. They pulled away and Bones had to make an effort to concentrate on the road. His attention kept getting drawn to the bike in front of him with the stunning woman on the back, riding like a natural and displaying their club and name unabashedly.