“This is for your family. They’re free of you now,” he said plainly and then stabbed the length of his knife into his abdomen and drew it up, flaying Dane open.

They all stood and watched as the last of Dane’s blood pumped onto the carpet and his chest rattled its last breath.

He sighed, letting all the tension and the worry of the last few weeks drain out of him. It was over. They could get on with the rest of their lives knowing Bianca was theirs and there was no one looking to take her away.

Chapter seventeen


King had just called to say they would be back tonight. Her whole body relaxed and she slumped onto the bed. She thought back over the last few weeks, all the good and bad. She wept in relief that she was free now to search out her sister and reunite with her and her nephew.

She couldn’t bring herself to feel any sorrow for Dane. He had deserved everything that had happened to him. She knew he must be dead; her guys had made it plain to her about their intentions. She had protested at first, not wanting them to bloody their hands for her. When they assured her they had bloodied their hands numerous times and for far less, she wavered in her resolve. She thought of the danger that Dane would always represent to her family she slowly accepted it as an inevitability.

She thought of what her sister’s reaction would be to her Musketeers when she first saw them and found herself giggling. Maggie wouldn’t have a hope of holding in her shock. She knew there’d be at least a few minutes of speechlessness and then she would accept them for the wonderful men they are, Maggie was the least judgemental person she ever knew. Brandon would have plenty of male influence in his life too and for the first time it’d be the right type, not the abusive shit his father put him through. They would get to be a proper family.


The distinct rumbling sound of their bikes pulling into the compound had her jumping up from her seat at the bar where she was talking to Shel and Jewel. She really should have said bye or at least finished what she was saying, but her feet carried her away too quickly. She stumbled out of the bar door and tackled the first one of them she saw.

“Fucking hell, love. Let me turn around first.” Digger laughed as she clung to his back.

Large warm hands picked her up and spun her around. She briefly saw King’s face before he was kissing her. It was a deep and wet desperate kiss and she loved having his taste back in her mouth. She groaned, sinking deeper into him when she was suddenly pulled off.

Digger cradled her face and gave her a softer kiss that was no less intense. Her body craved to be joined to theirs. Her clothes were irritating her skin, she wanted them torn from her body. Digger released her and Bones took his place. His hands pressed her body flush to his and his kiss made her dizzy with bliss. Her tongue stroked his and she sank into the comfort of knowing that they were all back, safe and well.

She heard a faint click and suddenly realised that they were back in their room. She’d been so absorbed in them that she didn’t even realise that they’d been moving. Bones gently let her feet hit the floor. She swayed when he moved away, her body hating the small distance between them all. She started frantically pulling at her clothes and was naked in seconds.

Bones’ heated gaze travelled from her feet up to her face. “You missed us, beauty?”

She groaned and nodded as his hands swept from her collar bones down to her breasts. He was using hardly any pressure as his fingertips circled her nipples, the hard buds hardening further, aching to be sucked. A hard body nestled into her back and licks and sharp nips started decorating her neck. Warm rough hands stroked down her stomach and then lower to her pussy. Long fingers delved into her folds, stroking and spreading her juices. She picked her legs up, wrapping them around Bones’ waist, opening her wider to King’s questing fingers. Her body shuddered as he circled her clit and she was suddenly thrown into an intense climax.

Her whole body tingled as she was laid down on the bed and Digger’s imposing figure hovered over her. She reached up and stroked his face, loving the prickly feel of his stubble against her palm.

“I missed you,” she whispered between ragged breaths.

“Fuck, we missed you too, love.” He said as he separated her legs and settled between them.

His hard length probed her folds, sliding into the perfect position. He thrust forward, burying himself completely inside her in a single stroke. He stretched her to the max and she adored the ache and slight pain that came from being completely filled. As Digger set a deep, slow rhythm, King and Bones lay on either side of her, worshipping her breasts and neck. Her body bowed, trying to press closer to all of them at the same time.