She couldn’t wait to introduce Maggie and Brandon to Digger, Bones and King. She could picture her sister’s face when she realised they were all hers and Brandon would finally know what a real man was like, not an abusive piss-ant like his father.

The room door opened.

She tried to hold her tongue, she really did, yet she still blurted out, “What’s going on? Did you find Dane? Can I find my sister now?”

She let the hope show on her face. Digger walked forward, cupped her face in his big hands and kissed her.

“Do you listen when we talk?”

“What? Of course I do!” She insisted.

“I’m not sure you do. We’ve told you, it’s club business. When there’s something we can share we will.”

“How is it club business even when it’s about me? Don’t I have a right to know what’s happening in my own life?”

Digger looked exasperated, “No, you don’t.” She went to protest and he covered her lips with his hand before she could speak. “We’ve explained how this works. It has to work this way to keep the people we love safe. You have to trust that we’re doing all we can and keep shtum.”

“I do trust you all…I promise. It’s just… I miss my sister.”

She ducked her head and tried to hold back the sobs that were pushing against her to let them free.

Digger pulled her in tight, and she felt Bones and King surround her as well. Their scents mingled, blanketing her in all that was them. A few stray tears escaped but she pulled herself together rapidly so they wouldn’t notice.

“You have no idea how much we want to be able to reassure you and tell you what we’ve found out, but getting just part of the overall picture isn’t helpful and what we could have told you might change. You’ve been through enough with this shit. It’s our turn now. Try to be patient, beauty.” Bones added.

“Okay,” she sniffled, cuddling closer into them, conceding for now.

Chapter fourteen


Track had met his end with a few less fingers and toes than he started with. It took longer than he was expecting for him to crack, but he did eventually…they all do. Track hadn’t known as much as they hoped but they got some good intel to go off of now, and it brought them a couple of steps closer to Dane.

They hadn’t been lying when they told Bianca that it wouldn’t do her any good to know what was going on at the moment. They’d just discovered that Dane put a bounty out on her sister, Maggie’s head for twenty-five grand and Bianca would lose her mind if she knew. There would be plenty of people who will be wanting that money so the race to find Maggie and Brandon was on.

They weren’t going to search for them though. Bianca had cleverly come up with a system to find them and get in touch before they disappeared. It wasn’t the time to contact them though and they wouldn’t help out the people searching by looking themselves and letting them follow their lead. The whole club must be under surveillance by this point and him, Digger and King in particular.

With this new bounty incentive, they couldn’t just concentrate on Riot anymore. They’d have to widen their focus to all the fucking scum that would do a job like this. It was highly likely that Dane had outsourced to other men as Riot had made an utter fuck up of their part. They’d pried a few names out of Track but knew they still didn’t have them all.

Track said he’d been delivering something to Dane’s office for him. He assumed it was paperwork and was given strict instructions not to open whatever it was. Bones suspected it was photos and at least up-to-date information on where Bianca was. Of course, it could just be paperwork as its not safe for him to physically go to the office.

His palms itched to get his hands on this slippery fucker. This was one of the situations where cutting the head of the snake would solve nearly everything. From what they could tell Dane wasn’t affiliated with any groups or gangs, he merely hires them and maybe does small jobs for them himself, likely money laundering. If they kill him, the people after Bianca will stop because there would be no reward for their actions anymore.

The names Track had given were being researched now by Slam. As soon as he told them which one would be most worth questioning, they’d bring the bastards in. Seeing Bianca’s tears was killing him inside. He couldn’t imagine how pissed he would be if one of the club brothers was hidden and there was no way to check on them. He shuddered to think what he would do if it was Digger, King or Bianca. The world would burn until they were back in his arms.