Bones stepped forward and grabbed the tops of her arms, holding her still even though she wasn’t moving. “Let me get this straight. You don’t think a relationship like ours will work and you think we’ll just swap you out for some other woman when we’re done with you. That’s what you think of us?”

They all looked hurt and suddenly she felt unsure and nauseous. She wanted to answer but didn’t know what to say. That wasn’t all she felt but she’d be lying if she denied it completely.

“Are you saying those all this shit because you actually believe it or you just think you should?” King asked, looking like he wanted to shake her.

Digger and Bones started pacing and making sounds that showed their frustration with her.

Bianca was shaking as she answered in a rough whisper, “I don’t know.”

Digger and Bones stopped and turned to her looking a mixture of angry, disappointed and heartbroken and her chest ached for making them that way. Bones threw their arms up in obvious frustration and walked out. Digger followed right behind him.

Suddenly, she felt grief stricken. Sobs wracked her body and she was engulfed in King’s arms. His hug felt like it was the only thing keeping her together.

“I’m so sorry.” She forced past her trembling lips.

“Don’t be. We’ve fought for acceptance, or at least tolerance, from day one. Then we decided, fuck it, let people think what they want. They were less likely to voice that opinion if they lost a few teeth when they did. We were naïve to think we wouldn’t have to fight for our destiny.” He walked her over to the bed and sat on the edge with her on his lap.

After a few minutes, she managed to stop her tears but she still felt hollow. Digger and Bones hadn’t come back and she still didn’t know what she’d say to them if they did. Was she really going to not take chances just because of what other people might think?

King squeezed her to get her attention. “Now I’m going to answer some of those ramblings. You ready?” She nodded while sniffling into a tissue. “The brothers out there don’t give a shit about women we’ve had before. What would be the point when we’ve never planned on keeping any of them. They know you’re different. Know why?” Bianca shook her head. “Not once have we taken anyone to our house. That was our space, our home. The fact that we took you there having only known you for about an hour should tell you a lot. We haven’t been looking for anything temporary for a few years now. You’re our old lady. That means that you’re ours for life. They’ll never be another woman for us. As for your family, they’ll be ours too. We’re not going to stop you from having as much time with them as you want. Okay?”

She nodded and had his little speech on repeat in her head. “How can you know I’m your one? What happens when you meet someone else who you know for two hours and you think they’re the one or if Digger or Bones think they are?”

King spun her off his lap and crowded her on the bed. “We are fucking grown men! We took one look at you and knew you were ours. We didn’t have to ask each other; we didn’t have a fucking vote. We knew and we acted on it. And if you think we are just going to let you go because you’re fucking scared, you’re about to find out how wrong you are.” He lowered onto her and took her mouth until she was dizzy with arousal. He stood, winked at her with a cheeky smirk and left the room.

Chapter seven


Bianca collapsed back onto the bed trying to catch her breath. That had been…wow. Her heart was beating rapidly and her kin felt too tight on her body. Her palms were sweaty and itching to touch their bare skin.

She’d always been hesitant to throw herself into relationships. She’d seen what happened too many times when they go bad. She needed to stop worrying about what might happen and let something happen. There were no guarantees in life and it was about time she started living hers.

She pictured what her life could be like if everything worked out like she wanted. Nights surrounded by men she loved and who loved her back, safety and security, holidays surrounded by friends and family, maybe even kids. The more she pictured it, the clearer that life became in her mind and she realized how much she wanted it. Especially, how much she wanted it with Digger, King and Bones. There would be no half measures with men like that and it wouldn’t be fair to them if she held any of herself back. She spent a few minutes firming her resolve.