When Oz moved behind her, she knew what he was going to do even before she felt his fingers. She wanted to stop him, opened her mouth to do so, but her breath caught, held, burned in her chest.

He touched her tense flesh.

Shards of electricity pulsated through her, lighting fires where he touched and radiating out to the tips of her fingers and toes.

Blair’s insides turned to goop.

This was bad. Very bad.

But oh, my, did bad feel good.

Way too good to find her voice and make him stop.

It was just a quick therapeutic massage. Nothing more.

For therapy. That was all. Really.

Blair’s hands dropped to her lap.

He stroked her tight muscles with a feathery touch. His fingers traced across the curve of her neck. So lightly she could almost think she imagined the burn of his fingertips through the short strands of her hair.

But she wasn’t imagining his touch.

Or her reaction.

Every nerve cell zinged to life, jumped, flipped inside out.

Sighing, she closed her eyes.

His pressure increased.

Standing behind her chair, he worked on her neck and upper shoulders, dispensing every knot, leaving sensitized chaos in his wake.

Every breath echoed across endless time.

Every heartbeat thundered through endless space.

His fingers were magic that massaged away every reason she should tell him to stop, magic that made her forget she didn’t like him.

His hand moved around her neck, stroked over her shoulders, her clavicle.

“Mmm.” She angled to give him easier access, the back of her head brushing against his flat abdomen.

Oh, my.

His fingers skimmed back and forth, slow, teasing, caressing the column of her throat, her chin. He gently traced her mouth. Her tongue darted out to moisten her suddenly dry lips. His fingers paused.

Blair’s breath caught and held.

Butterflies danced in her belly, sending up a fluttery rainbow of sensations that brought her black-and-white world into Technicolor. Sensations that made her acutely aware that she was a woman.

It had been a long time since she’d felt that awareness.

She turned, looked up at him, saw the desire reflected in his eyes.

He reached for her, taking her hand, pulling her to her feet, their bodies so close they practically touched.

In a daze, Blair breathed in his spicy scent, felt his palm cup her face, felt his body heat lure her closer, for her to close the small gap between them.