“As exciting as addressing and stuffing envelopes sounds—” Blair smiled “—I’ll stick with calls. I know how important it is that we get the donations lined up as quickly as possible.” She glanced at the stapled pages of names and businesses to be called. “Although I don’t think I’ll make it through the rest of these tonight.”

“Do what you can, but no worries. You’ve already amazed me at how many local businesses have donated.”

“I can stuff ’lopes, Mommy,” Addy piped up from where she sat, her big green eyes eager.

“Addy, honey, Mommy needs you to be close in case I need your help.” Addy was a darling and usually well-behaved, but like any child, she had her moments.

“But I’m a really good helper,” her daughter insisted, wearing a pleading expression.

“Yes, you’re a good helper,” she began, but was interrupted by Oz going to Addy and taking her small fingers into his much larger ones. His strong fingers clasped Addy’s fragile ones, twisting Blair’s heart with a reminder of the one thing she could never give her daughter—a father’s love and affection.

Appearing totally serious, Oz thoroughly examined her daughter’s hands.

“I don’t know, Stephanie,” he contemplated, scratching his head. “What do you think? Do these look like good helper hands to you? Kind of look like pipsqueak hands to me.”

Knowing a sucker when she saw him, Addy batted her lashes at Oz. From the moment they’d met, Addy and Oz had hit it off. Probably because he acted as much like a kid as Addy did and he showered her with his attention. Addy thought Oz walked on water.

But seriously, how could Blair expect a five-year-old to resist his charms when grown women couldn’t?

“Mommy, tell Dr Oz what a good helper I am.” Addy’s bright eyes shifted to Blair, then to Oz. No puppy had ever given a more appealing look than the one her daughter bestowed upon her quarry.

Despite her melancholy, Blair bit back a smile. Oz had met his match in Addison Pendergrass.

“You’re the best helper, Addy.” Blair tried to be diplomatic in case Stephanie preferred Addy to stay near Blair. “But I’m sure the lady stuffing envelopes has things under control.”

“Actually, she could use help.” Stephanie earned a pleased look from Addy. “If that’s okay with you, Blair?”

Blair silently mouthed thank you. “As long as she’s not in the way.”

“She won’t be,” Stephanie assured, smiling her acknowledgement. “Oz will help keep an eye on her.”

Blair’s gaze shifted to Oz.

His brow arched.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” His gaze lingered, searched hers, and something flickered in his eyes, unreadable and disturbing. Surprisingly, for once, he looked away first. Turning to Addy, he poured on his own lethal brand of charm, bowing reverently.

“So, Pipsqueak, looks like you’re in charge.” He straightened, grinned, held out his hands palm-up. “I’m a good helper, too. Can I be your envelope stuffer helper?”

Taking his outstretched hands, examining them as closely as he’d done hers, Addy pretended to consider.

“Hey!” Oz teased when she dragged out the examination longer than he deemed necessary. “It’s not like I have cooties.”

“You can be my helper.” Addy giggled, slapping her thigh at her joke. “Since you don’t have cooties.”

“No cooties here,” he promised. “Let me finish going over this form with Stephanie while you save your game, okay? Then we’ll show the world how envelopes are supposed to be addressed and stuffed.”

Two hours later, Blair had procured donations of several more items for the event. She reached up to massage her contracted neck muscles. Man, it had been a long day.


Startled, she glanced toward where Oz stood in the doorway, watching her. Her fingers paused mid-knead.

“A little.” How long had he been standing there? “I sat too long without stretching.”

She rotated her stiff neck.