; Blair cringed. She’d have to sell her soul to come up with the cash to cover her bid if she went higher. Still, the money was going to Dr Talbot.

She bid higher.

But so did whomever she was bidding against.

Blair looked at the man onstage, noted that he was worth whatever it cost to make him hers. What guarantee did she have that he’d even give her a chance to tell him how she felt? To tell him how foolish she’d been?

None whatsoever if she didn’t win this date.

She would win his date.

She would go out on his sailboat with him and while out there she’d show him how much she loved him. She’d give him her heart for all time.

Blair wasn’t surprised when the MC glanced back in her direction for another bid. Fine, what was another five hundred dollars at this point? She motioned to the bid taker, who flashed in her bid.

“Going once, going twice.”

Blair held her breath, praying she’d win Oz.

“Sold. To the cute little blonde in the front.”

“What?” Blair demanded of the bid taker who’d taken her bid. “I bid. You saw me. You gave him my bid.”

The poor volunteer shrugged in confusion. “I guess he didn’t see me.”

Oh, this would never do. She’d go onstage and demand the bid be opened back up, demand her bid be given fair opportunity. No cute little blonde in the front row was going sailing with Blair’s man. Uh-huh. No way.

Determined to set things straight, she marched toward the stage.

“Mommy!” Addy exclaimed as Blair stormed past. When she didn’t stop, Addy grabbed her dress. “Mommy, I have a surprise!”

Blair paused, glanced at her daughter. She didn’t want to dampen Addy’s excitement, but she was desperate to correct the MC’s oversight. “Addy, honey, Mommy needs to talk to the MC a minute about Dr Oz’s date.”

“Isn’t it wonderful?” Addy grinned, wiggling back and forth in her princess dress, then throwing her arms wide. “Surprise.”


“Aunt Reesee and I bought Oz for you. Dr Talbot and Stephanie helped, too.”


“Oh, Addy.” Tears stung Blair’s eyes. She’d been bidding against her daughter for a date with Oz. The absurdity of it caused laughter to bubble up her throat. She stooped down and hugged her cute little blonde. “You bought Oz for me?”

Grinning proudly, Addy nodded. “’Cos we love him, right?”

“We do, Addy. Mommy loves him so very much.”

“But do you trust him?”

Blair spun toward Oz, her face pale as she realized he’d heard what she’d said. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but her words had made his hopes soar. Had she meant her claim? Did she love him?

God, he hoped so.

Blair stepped toward him, looked unsure of herself.

“How do you feel about me, Blair?” he asked, then realized he was taking the easy way out again. He held up his hand. “No, don’t tell me. Listen, instead, to how I feel about you.”

“I know how you feel about me. You told me last night.”