She went to the table and hugged him. Before long, Reesee and Addy joined them.

Addy immediately monopolized Dr Talbot’s attention, recounting their shopping adventures.

Reesee leaned near Blair’s ear. “Oz is crazy about you.”

Her heart slamming against her rib cage, Blair snorted. “Yeah, right.” If only. Oz wanted a fling while in Madison. She was convenient.

Blair ignored the tiny voice whispering that sex was always convenient for a man like Oz. Women bent over backward to get close to him.

He wanted her trust. Did one have to trust a fling? Where was that rule written? And if he had really wanted her trust he should have earned it instead of practically kicking her out of his bedroom.

“I’m serious.” Reesee’s expression said she was, but Blair wasn’t buying it.

“Then why doesn’t he come over here to see me?”

“He doesn’t have to come over here to see you.” Reesee waggled her penciled on brows. “Don’t look now, but he’s seeing you this very moment.”

Blair looked.

“Hey.” Frowning, Reesee poked her. “I told you not to look.”

Oz was looking at her.

At least, he had been. Without acknowledging her, he turned toward the couple he stood with.

“He made his feelings clear last night.” He’d made his feelings clear just then. Either she trusted him or he wasn’t willing to have a relationship with her.

As if she’d asked him for a relationship. Relationship. She and Oz had very different definitions for that word.

Besides, had he forgotten that she was upset with him about taking Addy out in a boat?

Of course he hadn’t. Her not trusting him to look out for Addy, to make decisions where her daughter was concerned, had been one of the trust issues he’d been referring to. Knowing he’d break her heart if she let him was another. She didn’t intend to give him that opportunity.

“Are you sure you didn’t misunderstand?” Reesee asked. Blair hadn’t told her sister about Oz confronting her the night before, about his professing to having feelings for her and wanting a relationship with her.

“I just can’t understand,” Reesee continued, “because I know I didn’t misinterpret his asking me how you were.”

Oz had asked how she was?

“Nor did I misunderstand when he commented on how beautiful you looked. He couldn’t take his eyes off you.”

Okay, so he’d asked how she was and said she was beautiful.

“For Oz that’s nothing more than polite conversation.” Blair glanced to make sure Addy couldn’t hear their conversation. Her gaze collided with Dr Talbot’s.

He’d been eavesdropping and didn’t look one bit ashamed. Nor did he look surprised by any of the things he’d just heard. He loved her and wouldn’t want her hurt. Had he realized she’d fallen for Oz and intervened on her behalf? Did he know about what had happened the night she and Addy spent the night at his house? That she’d ended up in Oz’s room? Was that what last night had been about?

Of course it was.

Oz hadn’t told her he loved her.

His confronting her in the kitchen made sense now. He could even honestly tell Dr Talbot that he’d offered to have a relationship, but Blair had walked away.

She couldn’t be angry at Dr Talbot for caring, for doing what he thought was best for her by encouraging Oz to have a relationship with her.

But she was angry at Oz.

Trust. Ha, she’d give him trust.