worrying about Dr T, sitting with him at the hospital, spending time with Addy and fielding questions about why the little girl hadn’t seen Dr Oz.

Blair had insisted Addy and Reesee have new outfits, too. Her treat. They’d had great fun dressing up and for a short while Blair had forgotten all the things weighing so heavily on her mind. Her sister and Addy had done Blair’s makeup and hair, too.

Glancing in the mirror, she admitted that she didn’t look bad. As a matter of fact, they all looked great, and she was ready to spread her wings and fly.

Okay, so maybe not really, but she still had to go inside. After all, she’d helped put the bash together.

Determined to be positive, even if it killed her, Blair winked at Addy in the rear-view mirror. “Come on, Princess Addy. The party can’t get started without the Pendergrass princesses.”

Addy giggled as Blair let her out of the car seat.

They left the parking garage and rode the elevator up to the ballroom level. Addy insisted upon pressing the buttons, of course.

Planning to help Stephanie with any last-minute items that came up, they’d arrived early. When Blair had spoken to her at Dr Talbot’s the night before, Stephanie had assured her the night would be a success and that every detail had been covered.

Last night at Dr Talbot’s.

Blair closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped into the ballroom.

Immediately, she spotted Oz talking to one of the band members.

How appropriate that he’d be the first person she’d see.

How appropriate when just looking at him in his tux with its crisp bow tie tugged at her heart.

His gaze lifted, met hers. For several heartbeats neither of them moved.

“There’s Dr Oz.” Addy tugged on Blair’s hand. “Mommy, come on. It’s Dr Oz!”

Blair’s gaze dropped to her daughter. Just because tension zapped between her and Oz didn’t mean her daughter didn’t still idolize the man.

“You can say hello with Aunt Reesee.” She glanced at her sister for confirmation. “I’m going to see if Stephanie needs help.”

Addy practically ran to Oz. Blair hated watching, but couldn’t look away.

Oz scooped her up into his arms. Addy kissed his cheek and held up her wrist to show him the tiny pearl bracelet she’d gotten during their shopping excursion.

When Addy’s exuberance paused for a breath, Oz spoke to Reesee. Her sister shook her head at whatever he said. His gaze shifted to Blair. Wishing she hadn’t been caught watching, she lifted her chin and walked away in search of Stephanie.

Her friend was in a tizzy, trying to make sure every detail was attended to, but took the time to hug Blair.

“I love that dress,” she praised, stepping back and letting her gaze sweep over Blair. “The color matches your eyes perfectly and makes them look huge.”

“Thanks. You look great, too,” she told her honestly. Stephanie wore a coppery dress that bespoke timeless elegance and class. “Mine is Reesee’s doing.”

Blair looked down at the simple green satin dress her sister had convinced her to buy. A rhinestone brooch nestled where the material veed at her breasts. In Blair’s opinion there was way too much of her chest on display in that vee, but Reesee insisted she looked hot. She wore silver four-inch heeled sandals that would be killing her feet if she stood for more than fifteen minutes.

“You should let Reesee dress you all the time,” Stephanie said, checking out Blair’s hemline, which fell to just above her knees. “You look gorgeous.”

“Thank you. Tell me where I can be the most help.”

Something behind Blair caught Stephanie’s attention and her brows drew together.

Stephanie gave a nod toward Dr Talbot. “Tonight is all about Ted. Go keep him company. If you’ll just make sure he’s taken care of, that he smiles often, I can handle the rest.”

Frowning toward the band, Stephanie took off to redirect where they were setting up.

Blair took a deep breath, spotted Dr Talbot sitting at a table in his wheelchair. Wearing a tuxedo, he looked handsome despite his illness and Blair smiled in pride and love.