Only taking a dip would mean being away from Blair longer and surely she was awake by now? Surely when he got back to Dr T’s he’d be able to look into Blair’s eyes and she’d know he wanted her, cared about her, and that for the first time in his life he wanted to pursue a committed relationship.

Blair loaded the few dirty dishes into the dishwasher and started the load. Addy was in the living room with Dr T and Boo-boo. Stephanie sat at the table, still sipping on a cup of coffee.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Blair glanced toward her friend. Did Stephanie know what had happened between her and Oz? “About what?”

“About why you looked so upset earlier.”

“Oh. That.” She almost sighed in relief. When her gaze met Stephanie’s she realized her mistake.

“Is there another reason you might be upset?”

Blair shook her head. “No. There isn’t.”

“Just that Oz took Addy sailing?”

“Yes.” She pulled out the chair next to Stephanie’s. “Oz should have asked before taking her out. He shouldn’t have assumed something like that would be okay.”

“I’m sure he watched her closely. He adores Addy.”

She nodded. “That doesn’t give him the right to decide to take her out to sea without my permission.”

“He’s an experienced sailor. Apparently, his family had a boat that he took out a lot during his younger years. Plus, he’s been out several times sinc

e he’s moved in with Ted.”

“It’s not that.” Blair sighed. “I know I’m paranoid in not wanting Addy out in a sailboat, but her father died in a sailing accident.”

She couldn’t believe she’d just said that out loud. Perhaps telling one person made telling another easier, though, because she didn’t regret her admission.

“I’m sorry, Blair.” Stephanie patted her hand. “I didn’t know.”

“It’s not something I talk about.”

“I understand.” Stephanie gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s go sit with Ted.”

Blair glanced at her watch and nodded. “I’ll visit for a short while, then I’m going to go home, shower and work on odds and ends for the fund-raiser. Can you believe it’s so close?”

She and Stephanie went into the den. Addy sat on the floor brushing Boo-boo’s fur. Dr T’s head dipped forward, his eyes shut, his shoulders slumped.

“Is he already napping?” Stephanie sounded disappointed. “He usually doesn’t nap until around noon.”

Taking in his gray color, his lack of movement, Blair realized Dr T wasn’t napping.

Oh, God.

No, please, no.

She rushed to his side, kneeling next to his wheelchair.

“Dr Talbot?” She shook him, relief filling her when his eyelids fluttered open, when he gasped for a breath.

He attempted to focus on her, slurred a response, then closed his eyes.

“Dr Talbot?” she repeated, grabbing his wrist and taking his pulse. Thready and erratic. She glanced at Stephanie, who was shaking his shoulder and saying his name over and over. “Call 911. Now.”

Oz heard the sirens long before he rounded the corner to Dr T’s street. He’d sped up. Likely he was being paranoid, but he couldn’t get rid of the urgency inside him that said he needed to get home ASAP. Something was wrong.