Gran’s wrinkled cheeks flushed to a rosy shade of pink. “Not bad. My arthritis is flared a little, but when’s it not?”

“You should let Will give you something for that.”

Will Majors was Gran’s primary care physician and a friend of Oz’s. The two had hit it off during Oz’s visits and usually spent time windsurfing or sailing. These days both men had other priorities, Dr Talbot being Oz’s number one.

“He’s tried.” The woman chuckled. “But I’m not going to take medications unless I reach the point where I have to. If I don’t ease up in a day or two, though, I’ll schedule an appointment with Dr Will.”

“Take care, Gran, and keep making men pay you to stand there looking beautiful.”

Beaming, Gran cackled with pleasure.

It was the same conversation they had most days. Oz purposely went through Gran’s checkout line just so he could put a smile on the woman’s face.

Wanting to be alone to revive his sleep-deprived body, Oz scanned the cafeteria to find an empty table. He spotted several of his cardiac unit colleagues at a close-by table.

In particular, he saw Blair.

Pushing a short strand of her wispy dark hair behind her ear, she laughed at something the cardiac nurse manager she sat with said.


He wasn’t sure what it was about her that made him seek her out, but he always did. Perhaps he liked to see the pretty flush that rose in her cheeks when their eyes met. Or how she quickly looked away, her breath catching.

He liked Blair. Had from the first moment they’d met. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. Oz had wanted her from the moment Dr T introduced them. But an affair was all he’d ever want from any woman. All he’d ever allow any woman to expect from him. He suspected, though, that Blair was the kind of woman who’d expect loads more than physical pleasure.

Which was why Oz might look, might tease Blair, but he’d never go further.

Based upon the way her feet kicked into high gear anytime he was near, she’d likely tell him where he could go if he ever did reveal how attracted to her he really was, anyway.

Maybe it was just as well.

With Dr T’s failing health, the last thing Oz needed was to become distracted by a woman. His friend needed Oz to stay focused on the cardiac center and running Dr T’s day-to-day life.

Passing by their table, Oz acknowledged the three nurses. “Hey, Kanesha, Blair, Becky.”

“Dr Manning.” Kanesha flashed her brilliant white teeth in a big smile. “Join us?”

“Please do.” Becky scooted her tray over. “You can sit by me.”

Not so long ago, Oz would have sat next to the blonde nurse, would likely have taken up the constant offer in her eyes. That was before Dr T had gotten sick.

Oz had decided to make his friend’s life as good as possible under the circumstances. Currently, Oz spent all his spare time trying to make that happen, right down to moving hundreds of miles away from his home so he could be with Dr T and work in his place so the man could keep his health insurance. Oz didn’t have time for dalliances with pretty nurses, particularly not ones who worked in the cardiac center.

He glanced longingly toward the empty table in the corner of the cafeteria.

“Come on, Dr Manning, we promise not to bite.” Kanesha patted the empty chair next to her. “We’re not taking no for an answer.”

Reluctantly, he set his tray next to Kanesha’s, across from Blair and Becky.

Kanesha took a sip of her iced tea. “How’s Dr Talbot this morning?”

Why hadn’t he told a corny joke or something before someone could bring up the subject of Dr T? Wherever he went, someone inevitably asked about Dr T. Wasn’t that why he’d wanted to be alone? To not have to dwell on the fact he was losing the only person who’d ever really cared about him? That the man he loved was dying?

The older heart surgeon had been Oz’s saving grace, the one constant good in his life. He had been more than a professor, more than a mentor. He’d been like a father. Much more so than the bastard who’d biologically fathered him.

Oz twisted the lid off his bottled water. “I spoke with Dr T’s nurse after they got home from his chemotherapy. The treatment went okay, but he’s had a rough day.”

He wished his friend would let him go with him to the appointments. Dr T wouldn’t. Not Oz. Not Blair. Not even Stephanie, Dr T’s lady friend.