Damn. Oz instantly transformed into the big bad wolf he remembered once seeing on a cartoon. His eyes bugged, his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, and wolf whistles blared through his brain.

She was amazing, had his already fully aroused body hardening to painful proportions.

Under his stare, her cheeks brightened. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He had no clue what she could possibly be apologizing for. “You’re beautiful, Blair. Perfect.”

Her lips curved in a slow smile. “Apparently your hormones are running amok and affecting your eyesight. I’m not beautiful, Oz. But when you look at me like that, you make me feel as if I am. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Oz wasn’t going to argue with her. Not when there were so many other things he wanted to be doing. With her. To her. In her.

Closing the distance between them, he reached for the snap to his uncomfortably restrictive shorts.

Shedding his clothes, Oz joined Blair, kissed her, ran his palms over her curves.

When he thrust inside her, he couldn’t look away, couldn’t help but lose himself in her eyes.

What he saw there scared him, made him think perhaps he should run like hell.

Lying back on the bed, both of them breathless, both of them staring at the ceiling, Oz wondered what he’d done.

He shouldn’t have had sex with her.

No matter how much he’d wanted to.

She deserved better than what he’d given her.

He refused to treat her the way Chris had.

He might be like his father when it came to his lack of ability to commit, but he was a better man.

Yet, what more did he have to offer Blair? He wouldn’t make false promises about the future. Not when they had no future.

But how was he supposed to ignore what he’d just shared with this incredible woman? How was he supposed to forget what being inside her felt like?

He doubted he’d ever forget, that the rest of his life would be measured by the past hour.

“About this…” he began, wishing he could find the right words to let her know how amazing she was, how good he’d felt holding her, kissing her, making love to her.

To let her know that, no matter how much he wanted her, it couldn’t happen again.

Blair cringed. Here it came. The speech reminding her that sex was just sex to Oz. No matter that it had felt like so much more to her.

It had been more than sex to her.

Dear Lord, she’d spilled her guts to him, had revealed how Chris had hurt her. She’d practically thrown herself at Oz,

had practically begged him to make love to her, and had definitely had the most amazing sex of her life with the playboy doctor.

What had she been thinking?

So she wasn’t like the svelte blondes Oz notoriously brought with him on his visits. He had wanted her. He’d been as wrapped up in their lovemaking as she had.

Hadn’t he?

Every insecurity she’d ever known blindsided her.

She pulled the sheet up over her, crossed her arms in front of her breasts.