“But…” Blair stopped.

She didn’t want to give voice to what she’d been about to say.

But she might get hurt.

Was she so afraid of being hurt again that she’d locked her heart away? That she’d refused to acknowledge Oz as anything more than a friend despite knowing the electricity zapping between them was more than just friendly?

Was fear why she’d avoided him for years, telling herself she was avoiding him because she didn’t like him, that he was like Chris?

If so, what did that say about her?

And just how far was she willing to go to confront that fear?

Blair dropped Reesee off at their apartment. Despite her sister’s assurances that Addy was fine or Oz would have called, Blair insisted upon going to Dr Talbot’s. Perhaps she was overly protective, but she couldn’t bear the thought of not kissing Addy good-night. What if she woke during the night and Blair wasn’t there?

She’d go to Dr Talbot’s, check on Addy, then crawl into bed beside her daughter. Just the thought of curling up next to her warm little body, breathing in her baby shampoo scent, made Blair smile.

Going had nothing to do with Oz. Nothing to do with her realization that she’d been afraid of feeling the things he made her feel. Nothing.

Using the key Dr Talbot had given her months ago, Blair let herself into the beach house. Setting her bag onto the table in the hallway, she snuck up the stairs as quietly as she could.

Addy would be in what her daughter called the “mermaid room.” The mythically decorated room was where she and Blair always slept when they stayed over—something they’d not done since Oz had moved in.

The door stood open. Blair peeped inside. The ceramic mermaid on a rock lamp on the bedside table cast a soft glow on the pastel blue walls. On the bed, Oz lay on top of the covers with Addy beneath the covers, snoring softly and curled into the crook of his arm. She looked completely relaxed, at peace. Oz’s chest rose and fell in even breaths.

Longing caught flame in Blair’s belly, spreading warmth throughout her body, filling her with wants she’d long denied, wants that involved Addy having a father, someone to love her and care for her the way Blair did.

Chris had died before Blair had known of Addy’s existence, but during her pregnancy she’d still dreamed of her daughter having a family. One that involved a mommy and a daddy.

She hadn’t dreamed of that in years, had been content with the life they’d forged.

But she’d never witnessed her little girl tucked safely in a man’s arms.

They looked…content.

As if they belonged together.

As if they belonged in Blair’s dreams.

Her daughter had grown to care so much for Oz and the feeling was mutual.

Moisture pricked Blair’s eyes, blurring her vision.

Reesee had been right. Addy was fine. Oz had taken good care of her. She should have trusted him, should have known he’d look out for her daughter, just as he looked out for Dr Talbot.

Despite what she’d thought she knew about him, Oz Manning was a good man.

One Dr Talbot trusted completely.

One Addy trusted completely.

One who deserved Blair’s trust.

For the first time in years, Blair found herself wanting to give that trust and see if it might grow into something more.

Not wanting to disturb them, she flicked off the lamp light, turned the night-light on and pushed the door almost closed. She’d sleep on the sofa.

She’d barely made it back down the stairs before a heavy-eyed Oz appeared.