Georgia’s head hung low. “I need to talk to Lacey first. Then I’ll schedule for whenever you think.”

Oz explained what she should expect, then leaving Blair to make arrangements, he checked on another patient. On his way to lunch, he bumped into Blair.

“Going to lunch?”

She shook her head. “I’m skipping lunch. I need to make the calls on Stephanie’s list,” she reminded him. “I won’t have time to do both.”

Oz couldn’t stand the thought of her going hungry.

“Sure you have time. We’ll eat in the hospital cafeteria. When we’re finished, I’ll help you make the calls.”

“That’s not a good idea.” She ran her fingers along her stethoscope, fiddling with the diaphragm. “People will think…” Her voice trailed off.

“That we’re discussing the auction? Trying to make the fund-raiser as successful as possible for the man we both care about?” he filled in.

His gaze skimmed over her solid maroon scrubs. She shouldn’t be skipping lunch. She was perfect just as she was. Generous breasts, nipped-in waist, curvy hips, but his gaze always came back to her wide eyes. Her gorgeous green eyes that sucked him right in.

Too bad Blair would want commitment. Too bad that was something he could never give her. Something he’d never want to give any woman.

“That is what we’ll be doing, Blair. Nothing more, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

“No, I…” She wavered, looking uncertain. “You’re right. We need to do this. For Dr Talbot. And I am hungry.” Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, then forced a smile, one that said she’d rather have a bikini wax than lunch with him. “I do need to hear about your arrangements for the catering.”

“And to talk me into filling your last bachelor spot?” He wasn’t sure why he’d said it. No, that wasn’t true. He did know. He’d mentioned the auction because he knew Blair wanted him to agree to the auction, and like some schoolboy, he wanted to please her. Even if he couldn’t have her.

Oz blinked. What the hell was he doing? Apparently his sanity had snapped.

“True, I do need to fill the last spot,” she admitted, eyeing him suspiciously. No wonder with his odd behavior. “I still can’t believe you don’t want to be auctioned.”

“You shouldn’t be so quick to assume things about me.” Hadn’t that been how he and Dr T had gotten close? Because others assumed false things about Oz, but Dr T had taken a closer look, had seen someone worthy of taking under his wing.

When it came down to it, Blair was just like everyone else.

Her eyes darkened to a deep green. “I owe you an apology about last night.”

Oz quirked a brow in surprise.

“I shouldn’t have said what I did. About you staying away from Addy. She wouldn’t understand and would be quite heartbroken if you avoided her. I’m sorry.”

He hadn’t expected her apology. Before he could respond, his cell phone rang.

He glanced at the number, silently cursed as he answered the call. A myocardial infarction had come into the emergency room and the E.R. physician had asked for him to be paged. He took the specifics, gave orders and promised to be there in less than two minutes.

When he snapped his phone shut, he met Blair’s gaze. He started to apologize at running out on her after promising to help make the calls.

“No need to say anything. I heard.” She waved him away. “Go. Save a life.”

Wishing he had time to say more, that he had time for lunch, Oz reached for her hand. “I’ll see you in the cardiac unit later.”

Their fingers briefly touched.

Hurrying toward the E.R., Oz’s mind raced. Why had he grabbed Blair’s hand? Why had he felt the need to touch her?

Because of the night before? Because of the sweet softness of her skin? Because in his dreams he’d touched every inch of her?

Worse, how had the simple skin-to-skin contact made him feel better, yet more confused than ever?

That evening, hand in hand with Addy, Blair climbed the steps to Dr Talbot’s beach-style home’s front stoop.