Proverbial lights clicked on above Amelia’s head. “I should stay away from you because of the ship rules? That’s why you’re telling me to go away?”

Looking tired, frustrated, he nodded. “We’ve both worked too hard to risk our careers for a night of passion.”

He was trying to put distance between them to protect their careers. Admirable. Logical. She took a deep breath. “How about six nights of passion? That’s what we have left.”

His brow arched. “You think that would be enough?”

“You tell me. What’s the past six months been about?”

He shrugged. “You. Me. Sex.”

“Sex?” She laughed, hoping she didn’t sound hysterical. No longer able to sit, she paced across the small room. “We’ve not had sex.”

“You think I haven’t noticed that?”

She twisted to glare at him. “It’s our lack of sex that’s the problem?”

He ran his fingers through his hair again. “Our lack of sex is a huge problem.”

“Then why did you get assigned to the USS Benjamin Franklin, Cole? If not to sleep with me? You don’t have to chase a woman halfway around the world to get laid, Cole. We both know that. Explain so I can understand why you came here and turned my world upside down.”

Apparently unable to sit a moment longer either, he stood, his back to the desk. A tic jumped at the corner of his mouth. “You know why.”

“We both know you could have had me months ago if sex was all you wanted.” She hated admitting that, but it was true. Just a few touches and all protests would have gone up in smoke. “Tell me why you’re here, Cole.”

He didn’t say anything, just stood seeming to consider his next words. She couldn’t stand the silence. Not a moment longer.

“What made you pull favors and board my ship, Cole? Why did you pursue me and torture me by being everywhere I was? Was this all some sick joke to you? Mess with Clara’s little sister’s head and heart?”

Red splashed across his cheeks and his fingers clenched at his sides. “Why I’m here has nothing to do with Clara, and you know it.”

“Do I?” But staring straight into those beautiful blue eyes, she did know. Cole cared about her. More than just wanting to get her into bed.

Despite the way her heart hammered in her chest, she pressed forward.

“I think you care more about me than you’re willing to admit, Cole. I think that’s why you’re here, why you got assigned to the USS Benjamin Franklin—to be near me.”

“God, you’re direct.”

He hadn’t denied her claim. Oh, God, he hadn’t denied what she’d said. He did care. She clung to that belief, clung to a lifetime of being taught to go after what she wanted and not let anything stand in her way. “I’m a Stockton.”

“And Stocktons always get what they want?”

Had he read her mind? Laughing wryly, she shook her head. “Apparently not. If we did, I’d have made love to you every day and night since Singapore.”

His gaze shifted from hers, then back. The pulse at his throat jumped wildly. Had her words brought him back to the night at the hotel, before she’d fallen asleep? Back to the following night when they’d been headed to the hotel to consummate the fire burning through them?

“You don’t know what you’re saying.” He raked all his fingers through his hair, glanced toward the computer screen as if the monitor would give him the answers he needed. “You’re better off that we haven’t done anything.”

“Do you really believe that? I don’t.” She took a few steps toward him. “What I do believe is that for the rest of my life I’m going to regret not making love to you while we have the chance.” In her heart, she knew it was true. If she didn’t seize the moment, if she was a coward and didn’t embrace her feelings for Cole, she would always have regrets.

“This is crazy.” He laughed, as if by doing so he was giving validation to his claim.

“It is crazy…” insanely, wonderfully crazy “…but it’s true. We have one week left, Cole. Less.”


“I want to spend the remaining time with you.”