“Amelia,” he groaned. “You’re killing me.”

“I’m sorry.” But she wasn’t, and they both knew it. “I just look at you and have…” she stared at his mouth, bunched the material of his shirt beneath her fingers “…needs.”

His lips twitched. “What kind of needs?”

“This kind.” She tilted her pelvis against him, circled her arms around his neck. “The kind that makes me not be able to think about anything but how much I want you, Cole Stanley. How I ache with wanting you.”

Another groan escaped him just as his mouth covered hers.

Amelia kissed him back, loving how he felt, how he tasted, how he poured every ounce of his being into kissing her.

“I want you so badly, Amelia.”

She knew he did. She could feel just how badly digging into her belly.

“This is torture,” he continued. “Being so close, wanting you, knowing you want me, too, and yet not being able to make love to you.”

She knew just what he meant and nodded. “Sweet torture.”

“There’s nothing sweet about how I feel about you.”

“How do you feel about me?” She hadn’t meant her question to be a serious one, just a teasing one meant to elicit more comments about his sexual frustration and desire for her. Cole’s answer was serious, though.

“Haven’t you figured that out by now, Amelia?” He cupped her face. “You’re all I think about, all I want. You are my everything.”

“You’re my everything, too, Cole.” Unable to look away from the truth in his eyes, Amelia stroked her fingers across his precious face, worrying that she was so head over heels for Cole she’d never resurface if the ship tipped. “Now shut up and kiss me again before I go see my next patient.”

He burst out laughing, hugged her tightly to him. “God, I love you.”

When he kissed her, Amelia almost believed that he really meant it.


HAVING decided she wasn’t going to sleep no matter how long she lay in bed, Amelia snuck out of her room, careful not to wake Suzie.

She’d go to the medical office, catch up on reports, check her e-mails, anything other than just lie in bed longing to be with Cole.

The weeks had passed by much more quickly than she would have liked. Weeks she spent every possible moment with Cole. Talking, laughing, stealing kisses, touches, sharing long looks, sharing longing for much more. By sheer determination, they’d held on to enough willpower to not go beyond kissing and hot touches.

Very quickly their deployment was coming to an end and they’d return to the naval base in San Diego. She’d likely go to work at a mainland hospital or perhaps even at a combat support hospital overseas. Who knew where Cole would end up?

Odds weren’t that they’d be anywhere near each other. Possibly not even on the same continent.

Then what? Would their romance come to an end? Would they be able to steal a few days together at the base and finally make lov

e before being reassigned?

Make love.

Because whether she’d wanted to or not, she’d fallen for Cole.

Okay, so if she was honest with herself, she’d admit she’d never stopped wanting him. He listened to her, took her needs into consideration, sometimes knowing what she needed more than she’d known herself.

Amelia paused in the medical office doorway, startled to see Cole at the desk. What was he doing?

Glancing past him to the lit computer screen, she could see his e-mail account opened. Ah, checking e-mails. The same as what she’d come to do.

Instead, she’d found the man she wanted. For all time.