“I heard Dr Carter—” the other medical doctor on board “—wasn’t feeling well and you’re by yourself. Need my help?”

Think of the devil and there he was, looking way too handsome in his scrubs. His stethoscope dangled around his neck and he looked the picture of good health. Not like he’d barely slept for the past two weeks because of a disturbing presence from his past. Irritated that she was the one looking like the walking dead, she gritted her teeth.

“No.” What she needed was him off her ship so she could get back to her regularly scheduled life program.

“Fine.” His smile never faltered.

No matter how many times she cut him off, he just kept smiling, kept being nice, kept coming back for more. He was driving her crazy, making her remember too many of the reasons she’d fallen under his spell to begin with.

“I’ll see who’s in triage and take care of whoever I can.”

During his short time on board, Cole had gained the respect of the medical crew by jumping in to help wherever needed. He triaged patients, took blood pressures, gave shots, whatever.

Not only had he gained the crew’s respect, he’d gained their friendship. Everyone liked him. Except Amelia.

“Hey, Dr Stockton, is it okay if Dr Stanley uses bay two? He’s going to repack an abscess.”

Cole stepped back into the sick bay, holding

a triage sheet. Having heard Richard’s question, he glanced at her, seemingly waiting for her approval. As if what she said made any difference whatsoever. Along with Richard and the rest of the crew, the senior medical officer thought Cole was the greatest thing since butter on toast.

Amelia had thought the same once upon a time. During medical school she’d idolized him, had viewed Cole as the perfect man. Funny, generous, intelligent, handsome, charming, compassionate. Had she not loved Clara so much she might have resented her sister’s perfect life. Beautiful inside and out, Clara had held Cole’s heart from nearly the moment they’d met. Only, in the end, Cole had kissed Amelia and walked away from both women.

“If that’s okay?” he added to the corporal’s request.

“Fine.” She turned away, knowing she was unnecessarily brusque yet unable to bring herself to show any grace. If she gave Cole an inch, he’d take a foot. She had to keep her distance for her own peace of mind, from loyalty to her sister.

Clara, whom she hadn’t been able to tell that Cole was on her ship despite their e-mails. Clara, who had volunteered for yet another crazy assignment. Clara, whose notes sounded so unlike the woman she’d once been while engaged to Cole.

Oh! She despised what he’d done to her big sister and she clung to that like a drowning woman clutching a life preserver.

“There’s a positive strep throat in bay one,” Tracy said, snagging Amelia’s thoughts back to where she was washing her hands.

She’d scrubbed so hard she was surprised to still see skin.

Drying her hands, she nodded at the nurse. “Thanks.”

Tracy’s face twisted in thought then she pulled Amelia aside. Under her breath, she quickly spoke. “I wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t your friend, but the whole crew has picked up on your…not hostility but a definite lack of friendliness toward Dr Stanley.”

“And?” Amelia fought to keep her face emotionless. As she’d told Cole on that first day, she wouldn’t let her animosity toward him interfere with the care of her patients. In her mind, she’d stuck to that. She may not like him, but she was doing her best to be professional. She’d even set up several patients to see him during his stint thus far. Obviously, however, she hadn’t done such a great job of hiding her feelings from the crew, which truly did affect both their jobs.

Tracy looked uncertain about going on. “You’re one of the fairest people I know, Amelia. Always level-headed and logical. Kind, too. Yet, with Cole, you’re…prickly.”

“Prickly?” She wanted to laugh. “Prickly” was as good a word as any to define how she felt about being forced to work with Cole. Just call her Cactus Woman. “It’s true I do my best to avoid the man, but I am professional when our paths cross.” Usually. “He’s the one who keeps invading my workspace.” And her workout space, her dining hall space, her dreams.

“Invading your space?” Tracy frowned, and chided gently, “You’re lucky he’s such a caring doctor. Not all would spend their free time seeing more patients so he can lighten someone else’s workload. Maybe you should give the guy a break.”

Okay, Tracy had a point. Cole did go above and beyond his workload and try to make the sick ward run more smoothly. He was an excellent, caring doctor. And, no, she really hadn’t rolled out the welcome mat, but surely no one thought she should? As gossip always did, word had gotten out.

“All I ask is that he stay out of my personal space, take care of his patients, allow me to take care of my patients, and beyond that, it’s really irrelevant if I like him. Every crew member doesn’t have to like every other crew member. Actually, to expect that is idyllic and naïve,” Amelia pointed out, knowing she was being too defensive. “He isn’t someone I can like because of the past, but I can tolerate him for the time we serve on board together.”

“So he used to be engaged to your sister? So what?” Tracy shrugged in frustration. “If he didn’t love her, he did her a favor by ending things before the wedding.”

Anger bubbled deep in Amelia’s belly. “A favor? You think he did my sister a favor by breaking their engagement?” she fumed, clenching and unclenching her hands at her sides.

She wanted to scream that he’d waited until the night before their wedding to bestow his favor. That her family had arranged to all be home, that their friends had all been there, that Clara had been left to tell everyone the wedding was off because, after getting cold feet, he’d left. Left! Deserting Clara to face the music alone. Deserting her, letting her wait hopelessly for him, telling her by his actions all she’d needed to know, leaving her with mountains of guilt.

As much as she’d like to point out what a cad Cole really was, Amelia couldn’t bear to make Clara’s humiliation public. Nor her own, particularly not in the medical ward where she might be overheard by other crew members and perhaps even Cole.