Worried that he meant to push her away, she kissed him, pressing as close as she could. She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted him to love her. To really love her.

The way she loved him.

With all her heart and all her soul.

That’s what she wanted from him. Everything.

“You’re sure this is what you want?” he asked, his voice husky and raw.

For answer she parted the fly of his pants, shucking the material down just enough to run her hands greedily over him. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re driving me crazy.”

“Good, then we’ll go together.” She freed him, stroking her fingers along the length of him. “Love me, Cole. Please love me right now.”

Even if just for this moment. Even if just for this short glimpse of time.

They’d both lost their minds, Cole thought. That could be the only explanation for Amelia coming to him.

Yes, he’d known she wanted him, just as he’d always wanted her. But to hear her openly admit how much she wanted him made him feel as if he could propel the USS Benjamin Franklin with the energy bursting free within him.

Her talented fingers closed around him, circling where he throbbed. He bit back a groan of unmitigated pleasure. A groan of sheer torture.

They couldn’t do this.

“I don’t have a condom, Amelia. We have to stop.” While he still had enough wits to stop. He was close, so close to being beyond reason, beyond anything except the scent of her arousal, the feel of her desire enveloping them both in its seductive cocoon.

Looking dazed, she smiled at him, making him want to smash his mouth against hers in a savage kiss that would leave them breathless and clamoring for more.

“I’m on the birth control shot to stop my menstrual cycle.” She named the brand. “I won’t get pregnant, and I’m clean, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Although that was something he should have been worried about with as many diseases as were out there, that hadn’t been what concerned him most. What worried him was his need for a barrier between their bodies, between his heart and hers. He definitely needed that.

And more.

Because she made him lose reason and he needed to stop this while he still could.

She blinked at him, her eyes soft melted-chocolate pools full of desire, her lips swollen from his kisses, her fingers circling him, not too tight, not too loose. Just right. Oh, hell.

“Are you?”

Was he what? He couldn’t think with her hands on him.

“Yes.” He wasn’t sure if his response was in answer to her question or to her hands gliding along him.

“Good,” she breathed against his mouth, kissing him.

Cole hadn’t lost control during sex since…he couldn’t remember ever having lost control. But if someone had forced him to describe what happened next, he’d have to say he’d lost control.

He certainly wasn’t been under control when he jerked her pants down or when he flipped her around and pressed her against the wall. Control was nowhere in the building when, his hands holding hers above her head, he thrust into her wet softness.

There had been nothing controlled about the way he drove into her, letting go of her hands to rest his on either side of her head. Or in the way his mouth lowered to the curve of her neck, kissing, sucking, knowing he was leaving a mark and, despite the fact he’d never been one to leave marks on women, reveling in the fact Amelia would bear a sign of their passion. He wanted her marked as his. Forever.


When she convulsed against him, whimpering in pleasure, he lost it. Lost everything. Vision. Speech. Hearing. His mind.

He definitely lost that.