How did he do that? Go from seductive devil to laughing like a good ole boy? As if he hadn’t just had his proposition turned down flat?

“I thought I’d go up deck and get some fresh air,” he said out of the blue, causing her to blink as if she’d missed part of their conversation. “I came to ask if you wanted to come with me.”

“Have you heard a word I’ve said?” she asked incredulously.

“Have you heard a word I’ve said?” he retorted, arching a brow at her. “I’m not going away, Amelia. Neither am I leaving you. We’ve tried that, and guess what? Nothing’s changed. We need to resolve the unfinished business between us.”

“Unfinished business?” she scoffed, knowing she’d lost any offensive hold she’d had. “You mean sex?”

“More than just that but, yes, sex, too.” He moved toward her and she got the distinct urge to take a step back. Defensively. “But you can rest assured, for the sake of our careers, I can wait until we’re at port call.” He flashed a smile that couldn’t be called anything except bad. “For both our sakes, let’s hope you’re as disciplined.”

Her jaw dropped. “You’re a pig.”

“I’ve been called worse.”

Why did he keep smiling? Acting as if this was all one big joke? She wanted to hit him!

“Quit being so obtuse!” she chided, frustrated with his lackadaisical smile and attitude.

His lips twitched. “You want to grab a jacket before going up deck?”

Seething, she marched past him and headed up deck before she even realized that’s where she was going.

Behind her Cole just laughed. A rich, deep-timbred sound that rocked through her soul.

She should have turned around, gone anywhere other than with him. But maybe fresh air would clear her befuddled brain.

Then again, perhaps only Cole could clear out the confusion he caused.

Thirty minutes later, Amelia and Cole looked out at the dark blue sea. Smoky gray clouds covered the sky and it looked as if it might rain later. They stood opposite an F-14 Tomcat fighter jet, providing them with a shield from prying eyes.

Somehow, he’d gotten her talking about her father. She was never quite sure how Cole did that, got her to talking about herself and her family when she’d had no intention of telling him a thing. He’d even gotten her to discussing her siblings’ names.

“Your father is a great man, Amelia Earhart Stockton.”

“I don’t need you to know that about my father, but thanks.” She rolled her eyes at her full name. Her parents had named all their children after individuals they’d admired from history. Well, except Josie. None of the Stockton siblings had ever quite understood why her parents had named their youngest after the lead singer of an all-girl band.

“Growing up with him as a father couldn’t have been easy. I remember Clara saying he…” Cole’s voice trailed off.

All righty, then, Amelia thought awkwardly.

“You told her I’m here?”


“What did she say?”

She couldn’t tell him that she’d only told her sister earlier that very day in the e-mail she’d sent as he’d entered the room. Besides, why did he want to know what Clara had said? Why did he look so concerned?

She stared out over the horizon. “I’d rather not discuss my sister.”

“Don’t you think we should?”

She turned to him. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Your sister is a wonderful woman.”

La la la. Amelia mentally stuck her fingers in her ears. She didn’t want to hear this. She didn’t want to hear Cole extol Clara’s virtues.