Panic filled her eyes. “That’s all it can be.”

“Why? I want a relationship with you, Emily. I want to be the man in your life. The man you fall asleep next to and wake up beside.”

The thought of her sinking back into depression, of him stealing her happiness, terrified him, but maybe they could have a relationship that built upon the good between them.

She stood beside the bed watching him, but she looked ready to run if he so much as moved toward her. “I won’t ever marry you again.”

“Nor would I ask you to. Marriage is where we messed up.”

“Marriage is where we messed up?” She shook her head as if trying to process what he meant. “How did marriage mess anything up?”

“You were so sad after we got married, Emily.” He didn’t know how else to answer her question, but obviously marriage had ruined their relationship.

“We are what messed up our relationship, Lucas. Me and you. We would have fallen apart whether we had been ma

rried or not. We may have phenomenal sex, but we were never destined to be together.”

“You’re wrong.”

“You think we were destined to be together?” she scoffed.

Did he?

“I think there’s something between you and me that we don’t share with anyone else.”

“It’s called sexual chemistry.”

“It’s more than sex.”

She rolled her eyes. “How’s this for irony? The woman is trying to keep sex as just sex and the guy is trying to attach feelings to the physical.”

He shrugged. “The truth doesn’t change regardless of how we label it.”

“The truth? The truth is that you shouldn’t be here, that we are divorced and should start acting like it.”

What she was saying sank in.

“You don’t want to see me anymore?”

“I never wanted to see you to begin with, Lucas. I was fine, just fine, until you came back into my life with all your potent sex appeal and fancy orgasms.”

That had him stopping, grinning a little despite their conversation. “I gave you fancy orgasms?”

She threw her hands into the air.

“Sorry, but a man likes to hear that he gave his woman orgasms, and when she calls them fancy, he definitely wants to hear more.”

Her hands went to her hips. “I’m not your woman.”

There was that.

“You used to be.”

“In the past. Doesn’t matter anymore. The past is gone.”

“The past is never really gone. It’s the culmination of all the past that makes up the present.”

That one earned him another eye roll. “Oh, don’t go spouting your Harvard Philosophy 101 at me.”