“I met Yves at a New Year’s Eve party.”

“You met him just over a month ago. Don’t you think it’s a little quick to be getting engaged?”

“Getting married,” her mother corrected, holding out her hand to show McKenzie the ring on her finger. “We’re already engaged.”

The stone wasn’t a diamond, but was a pretty emerald that matched the color of her mother’s eyes perfectly.

“When is the wedding supposed to take place?”

“Valentine’s Day.”

Valentine’s Day. The first day McKenzie would be without Lance and her mother was walking down the aisle.

She regarded her mother. “You’re sure about this?”


“Why now? After all this time, why would you choose to marry again?”

“The only reason I’ve not remarried all these years is because I hadn’t met the right person, McKenzie. I have had other proposals over the years, I just haven’t wanted to say yes until Yves.”

Other proposals? McKenzie hadn’t known. Still, her mother. Married.

“Does Dad know?”

“What does it matter if your father knows that I’m going to remarry? He has nothing to do with my life.”

“Mom, if you remarry Dad will quit sending you a check every month. How are you going to get by?”

“I’ll take care of her,” Yves popped up, moving to stand protectively by Violet.

“And how are you going to do that?”

“I run a health-food store on the square.”

McKenzie had read about a new store opening on the square, had been planning to swing by to check out what they had.

“He more than runs it,” Violet bragged. “He owns the store. Plus, he has two others that are already successful in towns nearby.”

So maybe the guy wasn’t after her mother for a free ride.

“You know I don’t need your permission to get married, McKenzie.”

“I know that, Mother.”

“But I had hoped you’d be happy for me.”

McKenzie cringed on the inside. How was she supposed to be happy for her mother when she worried that her mother was just going to be hurt yet again? She’d seen her devastation all those years ago, had watched the depression take hold and not let go for years. Why would she want her mother to risk that again? Especially with a man so much younger than she was?

She must have asked the last question out loud because her mother beamed at Yves, placed her hand in his and answered, “Because for the first time in a long time, maybe ever, I know what it feels like to be loved. It’s a wonderful feeling, McKenzie. I hope that someday you know exactly what I mean.”

* * *

Lance hit McKenzie’s number for what had to be the dozenth time. Why wasn’t she answering her phone?

He’d driven out to her place, but she wasn’t home. Where would she be? Cecilia’s perhaps? He’d drive out there, too, but that made him feel a little too desperate.

Unfortunately, he was the bearer of bad news regarding a patient she’d sent to the emergency room earlier. The man had been in the midst of a heart attack and had been airlifted to Atlanta. When the hospital hadn’t been able to reach McKenzie they’d called him, thinking he might be with her.