His eyes were on the road and now there was nothing to keep him from touching her. Not her panties, but her, as in skin to skin. She needed that. His skin against hers. His touch on her aching flesh.

“If I were a stronger man, I’d make you wait until we’re at least in your driveway before I touched you for real,” he warned.

“Good thing you’re not a stronger man,” she replied as his fingers slid home. “Very good thing.”

His touch was light, just gentle strokes teasing her.

“This isn’t fair,” he complained.

“Life isn’t fair. Get over it.”

He laughed. “No sympathy from you.”

“Hey, you’ve been trying to get in my pants for weeks now. Why would I feel sympathetic toward you when you’re getting what you want?”

“I want more than to get into your pants, McKenzie. I want a relationship with you.”

“Here’s a news flash for you—if you’re in my pants, you’re in a relationship with me.”

“For thirty days or less?” he asked.

“I’m not putting a time limit on our relationship. Move your fingers faster.”

“Not until you promise you’ll give me two months.”

Two months? Why two months?

“This isn’t as business negotiation.”

“True,” he agreed. “But if you want my fingers to do more than skim the surface, you’ll give me your word. I want two months. Not a day less. Not a day more.”

She moved against him, trying to get the friction she craved. “Two months?”

“Two months.”

Ugh. He was pushing for more than she usually gave. It figured. Then again, what was two months in the grand scheme of life?

“I don’t have to agree to this to get what I want. It’s not as if you’re going to turn down what I’m offering.”

He chuckled. “Confident, aren’t you?”

“Of that? Yes, you’re a man.”

“I won’t be used for sex, McKenzie.”

“Isn’t that usually the woman’s line?”

“These are modern times and you’re a modern woman.”

She arched further against his hand. “Not that modern.”

“Two months?” He teased her most sensitive area with the slightest flick of his finger.

“Fine,” she sighed, moving against his fingers. “You can have two months, but I won’t promise a day more.”

He turned into her driveway, amazing since she hadn’t even realized they were that close to her house. Hadn’t even recalled that they were in her street or even on the planet, for that matter. All that existed was the two of them inside his car.

He killed the engine, turned toward her, and moved her thighs apart, touching where she ached.