“Thanks to you and the fabulous work you did getting me ready for the mayor’s float,” McKenzie agreed, trying to hold perfectly still so she didn’t mess up what her friend was doing to her face.

“I have to admit, I had fun. Then again, I had a lot to work with.”

“Yeah, right,” McKenzie snorted. “Let’s just hope you can pull off another miracle for tonight, too.”

“For your work Christmas party?”

“Yes.” She cut her eyes to her friend. “What did you think I meant?”

“You’ve never asked me to help doll you up in the past for a mere work party.”

“This one is different.”

“Because of Lance?”

Because of Lance. Yes, it seemed that most everything this week had been because of Lance. Lots of smiles. Lots of hot kisses. Lots of anticipation and wondering if tonight was the night they’d do more than “mouth-to-mouth.”

“I suppose so. Can’t a girl just want to look her best?”

“Depends on what she’s wanting to look her best for.”

“For my party.”

“And afterward?”

“Well, I’m hoping not to turn into a pumpkin at midnight, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“No pumpkins,” Cecilia promised. “Wrong holiday. But what about that mistletoe this morning?”

“What about it?”

“You’ve gone to dinner every night this week, ridden on a Christmas float with him, and you are going as his date to the Christmas party. That’s big, McKenzie. For you, that’s huge. What changed?”


“Something has to have changed. You were saying no to the guy left and right only a week ago.”

“You were the one who said I was crazy for not going out with him.”

“You were crazy for not going out with him. He seems like a great guy. Lots of fun, hot, and crazy about my bestie. I like him.”

“You’ve only been around him twice,” McKenzie reminded.

“During which times he helped save a man’s life and made you laugh and smile more than I’ve seen you do in years.”

There was that.

“I was in character.”

“Yeah right.” Cecilia threw McKenzie’s words back at her. “If I’d been you, I’d have used that mistletoe for more than a kiss on the cheek.”

“I’m sure you would have.”

“But you didn’t need to, did you?”

“I’m not the kind of girl to kiss and tell.” Which was hilarious because Cec

ilia had been her best friend since before her first kiss and she’d told her about pretty much all her major life events. Plus, she had already told Cecilia that she and Lance had kissed.