She was also enjoying the company.

Lance had kept their conversation light, fun. They’d talked about everything from their favorite sports teams, to which McKenzie had had to admit she didn’t actually have favorites, to talking

about medical school. They’d argued in fun about a new reality singing television program she’d been surprised to learn he watched. Often she’d sit and have the show on while she was logged in to the clinic’s remote computer system and working on her charts. He did the same.

“I’m glad you said yes, McKenzie.”

“To frozen yogurt?”

“To me.”

Taking another bite, she shook her head. “I didn’t say yes to you.”

His eyes twinkled. “That isn’t what I meant. We can take our time in that regard.”


For once he looked completely serious. “As much time as you want and need.”

“What if I never want or need ‘that’?”

“Then I will be reintroduced to cold showers,” he teased, taking a bite of his yogurt and not seeming at all concerned that she might not want or need “that,” which contrarily irked her a bit.

“I’m not going to jump into bed with you tonight.”

“I don’t expect you to.” He was still smiling as if they were talking about the weather rather than his sex life, or potential lack thereof.

“But if I said yes, you would jump into my bed?”

“With pleasure.”

Shaking her head, she let out a long breath. “This morning, had someone told me I’d go out to dinner with you, go for dessert with you, I’d have told them they were wrong. It’s going to take time to get used to the idea that we are an item.”

“Does it usually take a while to get used to the idea of dating someone?”

“Not ever,” she admitted.

“Why me?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe because for so long I’ve told myself I’m not allowed to date you.”

“Because of work?”

“Amongst other things.”


“I’m not sure I can,” she admitted. How could she explain what she didn’t fully understand herself? Even if she could explain it to him, she wasn’t sure she’d want to. “Enough serious conversation. Tell me how you got started in community theater.”


LANCE WALKED MCKENZIE to her front door, and stood on her porch yet again. This time he didn’t debate with himself about whether or not he was going to kiss her.

He was going to.

What he wasn’t going to do was go inside her place.

Not that he didn’t want to.