Lance took the man’s words as permission to do whatever he pleased. Apparently, kissing her hand again pleased him because he pressed another kiss to her flesh. This time his mouth lingered.

“Stop that.” She would have pulled away but she was too terrified to move. Plus, her mind was going dark. “I think I’m going to pass out,” she warned as the needle connected with its target.

She gritted her teeth, but didn’t move. Couldn’t move.

“Stay with me, McKenzie.”


He laughed. “You planning to sleep through this?”

“Something like that.” Her gaze dropped to where George swapped one vial for another as he drew blood from her arm.

She shouldn’t have looked. She shouldn’t have.


Lance’s rough tone had her gaze darting back to him.

“Stay with me or I might have to do mouth-to-mouth.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, I’d dare.” He waggled his brows. “Do you think I have a shot at dating you?”

“Not a chance.” She glowered at him. Really? He was going to ask her that now?

“Then I should go ahead with that mouth-to-mouth while you’re in a compromised situation.”

“I’m not that compromised,” she warned, curling her free-from-George fingers into a fist.

“Don’t mind me, folks. I’m just doing my job here,” George assured them with a chuckle.

“I’m doing my best not to mind you.” Actually, she was doing her best not to think about him and that needle.

“You’re doing fine,” he praised.

Amazingly, she was doing better than she’d have dreamed possible. She glanced toward Lance.

He was why she was doing better than expected. Because he was distracting her. With threats of mouth-to-mouth.

Her heart was pounding from fear, not thoughts of Lance’s mouth on hers, not of him taking advantage of her compromised situation.

George removed the needle from her arm. McKenzie glanced down, saw the sharp tip, and another wave of clamminess hit her.

She lifted her gaze to Lance’s to tell him she was about to go out.

“McKenzie, don’t do it.” He snapped his fingers in front of her face, as if that would somehow help. “Stay with me.”

But out she went.


“GIVE IT A REST, McKenzie. I’m seeing you inside your place.” Lance maneuvered his car into the street McKenzie had indicated he should turn at. He’d wanted to punch her address into his GPS, but she’d refused to do more than say she’d tell him where he could go.

Yeah, he had no doubt she’d do exactly that and exactly in what direction she’d point him. He suspected it would be hellish hot there, too.

She crossed her arms. “Just because I passed out, it doesn’t give you permission to run roughshod over me.”