“You think?” He shook his head, then stroked his finger across her cheek.

He held her close until the slow dance ended then they moved to a couple of fast songs. Despite what she’d said, McKenzie could dance. She could definitely sing too if she wouldn’t let her own self-doubt get in the way.

Laughing, McKenzie fell into his arms. “Hey, Lance?”

“Hmm?” he asked, kissing the top of her head just because he could, because it felt right and wonderful.

“I’m ready.”

“Already?” He’d figured they’d be one of the last to leave, not one of the first. Still, if she was done partying, he’d take her home. Then he met her gaze and what she meant glittered brightly in her emerald eyes. “Really?”

She nodded. “Let’s get our coats, please.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Such good manners,” she praised.

Lance grinned. “Just wait until I show you what else I’m good at.”


YES, IT HAD been a while since she’d had sex, but McKenzie wasn’t a virgin. She enjoyed sex, was athletic enough to have good stamina and a good healthy drive so she felt she was decent in the sack. So why was she suddenly so nervous?

Because she’d essentially agreed to have sex with Lance.

With Lance!

Wasn’t that what the dress, the hair and makeup, the sexy undies had all been about? Leading up to his taking them off her, kissing her body, running his fingers though her hair, making her sweat from the intensity of their coming together?

Sex with Lance.

Lance, who did everything perfectly.

He looked perfect.

Danced perfectly.

Doctored perfectly.

Made love perfectly?

That was the question.

She gulped and had to fight to keep her eyes on the road and off the man driving his car toward her house. He hadn’t looked at her and seemed to have no desire to make small talk, which she appreciated. He was as lost in his thoughts as she was.

What was he thinking?

About sex? With her?

Sometimes she wondered why he even bothered. He’d been asking her out for weeks before she’d agreed to go to the Christmas show at the community center. Why hadn’t he just moved on to someone else who was more agreeable?

Ha. She was agreeable tonight. She was practically throwing herself at him.

When he’d realized what she’d meant, he’d taken her hand and, with a determined gleam in his eyes, had made a beeline for their coats, not stopping to chat with any of their coworkers and friends as they’d left.

She took a deep breath.

Lance asked, “Second thoughts?”