“Coming to the party with me.”

“Not yet.”

He chuckled. “You expecting that to change?”

“Depends on your behavior between now and the time we leave.”

“Then I guess I better be on my best, eh?”

“Something like that.”

Not that she could imagine Lance not being on his best behavior at all times. He was always smiling, doing something to help others. Never had she met a man who volunteered more. It was as if his life’s mission was to do as much good as he possibly could in the world. Or at least within their small community.

The music changed to an upbeat number and they danced to a few more songs. The emcee for the evening stopped the music and made several announcements, gave away a few raffle items.

“Now, folks.” The emcee garnered their attention. “I’d like to call Dr. Lance Spencer to the stage.”

Lance glanced at her. “Do you know anything about this?”

McKenzie shook her head. She didn’t have a clue.

Pulling McKenzie along with him, he headed up toward the makeshift stage. She managed to free her hand just before he stepped up onto the stage. No way was he taking her up there with him. Who knew what was about to happen? Maybe he had won a raffle or special door prize or something.

“Dr. Spencer,” the emcee continued, “I’m told you make a mean emcee.”

“I wouldn’t say ‘mean,’” Lance corrected, laughing.

“Well, a little birdie tells me you’ve been known to rock a karaoke machine and requested you sing to kick off our karaoke for the evening.”

Lance glanced at McKenzie, but she shook her head. That little birdie wasn’t her.

Always in the spirit of things, Lance shrugged, and told the emcee the name of a song. As the music started, microphone in hand, he stepped off the stage and took McKenzie’s hand again.

“I need a singing partner.”

Her heart in her nonsinging throat, McKenzie shook her head. He wasn’t doing this. She didn’t want to make a spectacle of them by pulling her hand free of his, but her feet were about to take off at any moment, which meant he was either coming with her, hands clasped and all, or she’d be doing exactly that.

“Come on,” he encouraged. “Don’t be shy. Sing with me, McKenzie. It’ll be fun.”

By this time, the crowd was also really into the spirit of things and urging her onto the stage. She heard a female doctor whose office was right next to hers call out for her to go for it.

McKenzie’s heart sank. She wasn’t going to be able to run away. Not this time. She was surrounded by her coworkers. Her hand was held by Lance.

She was going to have to go onstage and sing. With Lance. Nothing like a little contrast to keep things interesting.

A singer she was not.

She closed her eyes.

What had been a great night had just gone sour. Very, very sour.

She blamed Lance.

* * *

Lance realized he’d made a mistake the moment he’d put McKenzie on the spot. Unfortunately, his request wasn’t something she could easily refuse with their coworkers now cheering for her to join him. She could either sing or be seen as a total party pooper—which she wasn’t and he knew she’d resent being labeled as one.

McKenzie’s eyes flashed with fear and he wasn’t sure what all else.