“If I didn’t know better I’d think you were disappointed by my answer.”

Was she?

That wasn’t disappointment moving through her chest. Probably just indigestion from the stress of having to get blood drawn. Or something like that.

She lifted her chin and looked him square in the eyes. “I’m sorry I kept you from things you needed to be doing.”

“I’m sure the crew has things under control, but I usually help straighten things up. Afterward, we celebrate another successful show, which I’m calling tonight despite everything that happened, because you were there and I got to spend time with you.”

She glanced at her watch. “You’re going out?”

“To an after-show party at Lanette and Roger Anderson’s place. Lanette is one of the fema

le singers and who I asked to take over emceeing for me.” He mentioned a couple of the songs she’d done that night and a pretty brunette with an amazing set of pipes came to mind.

“She will have their place all decked out with Christmas decorations and will have made lots of food,” he continued. “You want to come with me?”

She immediately shook her head. “No, thanks. I ate at the dinner show.”

He laughed. “I thought you’d say no.”

“You should have said you had somewhere you needed to be.”

“And keep you from sweating over whether or not you were going to invite me in? Why would I do that?”

“Because you’re a decent human being?”

“I am a decent human being. I have references, remember?”

“Mothers don’t count.”

“Mothers count the most,” he corrected.

When had he moved so close? Why wasn’t she backing away from him? Any moment now she expected him to close the distance between their mouths. He was that close. So close that if she stretched up on her tippy-toes her lips would collide with his.

She didn’t stretch.

Neither did he close the distance between their mouths. Instead, he cupped her jaw and traced over her chin with his thumb. “You could easily convince me to change my plans.”

His breath was warm against her face.

“Why would I want to do that?” But her gaze was on his mouth, so maybe her question was a rhetorical one.

He laughed and again she felt the pull of his body.

“You should give me a chance to make this up to you by taking you to the hospital Christmas party next weekend.”

“I can take myself.”

“You can, but you shouldn’t have to.”

“To think I need a man to do things for me would be a mistake. I started wearing my big-girl panties a long time ago.”

His eyes twinkled. “Prove it.”

“You wish.”

“Without a doubt.”