Please don’t stop me, he thought, at the same time as he had no doubt he’d do just that if it was what she said she wanted.

“I don’t have protection,” she said instead, disappointment shining in her eyes.

Relief filled him.

“I do. In my wallet.”

Mixed emotions crossed her face. “Of course, you do.”

He paused in reaching for where he’d left his wallet on her nightstand. “Did you want me to say I didn’t have protection? We don’t have to do this if it’s not what you want,” he reminded her.

They shouldn’t do this. Deep down he knew that. He also knew it would take a stronger man than him to deny McKenzie if she wanted to make love with him.

“I do want this, so very much, only...” She closed her eyes. “It makes sense you’d have protection. I’m glad you have protection, and yet...well, I guess it makes me aware of how much more experienced you are than me.”

Ryder snorted with a bit of irony. Once upon a time he’d had an active sex life, but not since moving to Seattle. Quite the opposite. Sex for the sake of sex had quit appealing years before.

“It might surprise you how long it’s been since I’ve had sex.”

For months, he’d wanted only one woman and she’d belonged to another man.

Tonight, she belonged to him.

Her body.

Her mind.

Her heart?

* * *

Self-conscious that she was naked and had stopped him prior to his removing his pajama bottoms, McKenzie nodded, although she wasn’t sure if she was agreeing with his comment that how long it had been since he’d had sex would surprise her or if she was nodding her agreement with the thought that he should be naked, too.

Had it really been that long for him?

Did it matter? She wanted him. He wanted her—for the moment, at least.

For now, that was enough.

Rather than say anything more, she finished the job he’d started, pulling his pajama bottoms and underwear off in one movement with the help of his lifting his hips.

Her breath caught at the true magnificence of his body. She visually traced down his shoulders, his chiseled chest, down his abs to where a trail of hair pointed to pleasure. Just wow.

Her gaze lifted to his. “You’re sure you’re really a heart surgeon and not a professional athlete?”

She’d thought he looked the part of a television doctor in the past. Seeing him naked reinforced her thoughts that his body was made to be admired.

She admired. Oh, how she admired.

His brow lifted. “Who better to take care of their body than someone educated on the benefits of exercise and proper diet?”

“True.” Not that McKenzie hadn’t enjoyed every bite of the cake and goodies served at the wedding—she had. “But I don’t know of any real-life doctor who looks like you.”

“I’m not the only one who works out.”

“You’re the only one who makes my fingers want to do this.” She traced her finger over his chest, down his abs and happy trail in the pattern her eyes had previously taken.

Ryder sucked in air, his stomach muscles tightening. McKenzie thrilled at his reaction to her touch, that there was no denying that he wanted her.