Ryder was worth taking a chance that he’d tell her he didn’t want a relationship. Worth risking having her heart shattered down the line if he was willing to give them a chance.

Ryder was worth facing her fears, worth risking heartbreak, worth being dumped a third time.

McKenzie’s heartbeat sped up and she gripped her bouquet tighter as she stared out over the water.

Was Ryder at the hospital? Home? Somewhere else?

He didn’t live that far away. She could walk the few blocks but seeing him was too imperative to go on a wild goose chase.

Taking her phone from her pocket, she dialed his number.

When he answered, her heart soared.

“You’ve heard the good news?”

The good news was that he’d answered his phone. Hearing his voice set endorphins off that had her smiling despite how nervous she was to have called him.

“Sawyer’s white blood cell count is nine thousand.” Excitement filled his voice at the baby’s normal lab value. “I took her off the vent and she’s holding her own.”

“Oh, wow!” she said, getting distracted by what he’d said. “That is good news.” All her patients were special, but Sawyer was more so, probably because of the connection with Ryder. “You’re at the hospital?”

“I was until about an hour ago,” he told her. “I came home to grab a shower and something to eat. I’ll probably head back that way later this evening.”

He was home.

McKenzie began walking in the direction of his apartment.

“That’s great about Sawyer,” she said, clutching her flowers in one hand and her phone to her ear with the other. “I know the Littles must be ecstatic.”

“They are. Hopefully, if Sawyer continues to improve, she can go home in a few days.”

“I’ll swing by to check on her when I’m at the hospital tomorrow, and to say hi to the Littles.”

“Sounds good.” Silence then. “Is everything okay?”

“I’ve been at Pike Place,” she told him, not wanting him to end the call. Not when hearing his voice motivated her feet to move faster. “For once, there’s not a cloud in sight and the sunshine is absolutely gorgeous. I’d say, everything is wonderful.”

At least, she hoped it would soon be.

* * *

A little confused by McKenzie’s call, Ryder hung up his phone and put it on his bathroom counter.

She’d caught him just after he’d gotten out of the shower. He’d been standing there, towel-dried hair, towel around waist, talking to her as if they were old friends.

He blamed his excitement over Sawyer’s improvement.

But he could just as easily have blamed his excitement on hearing McKenzie’s voice.

Ryder finished drying off, went to his bedroom and pulled out a pair of sweats to go for a run.

Running cleared his head.

After talking with McKenzie, his head needed clearing. He missed her.

Despite his still damp hair, he pulled a T-shirt over his head, then grabbed socks and shoes.

Just as he was tying his tennis shoes, his door buzzer rang.