She very seriously doubted that Ryder planned to kiss her through today’s takeoff.

No doubt he was eager to be back in Seattle, away from her and their pretend relationship.

Last night hadn’t been pretend.

Don’t be silly, McKenzie, she scolded herself.

Last night had been nothing more than sex. Good sex. Amazing, blow-her-mind sex. But sex was probably always that way for Ryder.

As the plane taxied down the runway, McKenzie’s stomach tightened, as did her grip. Ryder must have felt sorry for her, because he squeezed her hand.

She focused on where his hand covered hers and remarkably, her rising panic waned some. It didn’t disappear, but did ease enough that she settled back, closed her eyes, and let the events of the past weekend play out through her mind.

No matter what, she was glad Ryder had come to Tennessee with her, that she’d come home to be in Reva’s wedding and to visit with her family.

Her only regret was that she’d waited until her last night in Tennessee to have sex with Ryder.

With that thought, she squeezed her eyes shut, gritted her teeth, and forced each breath in and out as the plane sped up and lifted off the ground.

There had been no kiss this time.

Nor were there any false hopes regarding anything between them being real.


RYDER SLUNG MCKENZIE’S bag strap over his shoulder, along with his own. “That it?”

Releasing the handle on her suitcase that he’d gotten off the baggage carousel, she nodded. “Yes, thank you. I can carry that, so you don’t have to.”

“Not a problem. I’ve got it.” Mostly because he wanted to walk her to her car.

Hell, he wanted to bring her to his apartment and make love to her in the privacy of his bed.

But he wouldn’t.

Whether she’d had sex with him out of an emotional post-wedding high, or just because he’d been convenient, or just that she’d decided to act on the physical chemistry between them, the reality was, less than a month ago she’d planned to spend her life with another man.

He’d learned his lesson well enough in the past and wouldn’t be making that mistake again. He might have been her pretend boyfriend, but he wouldn’t be McKenzie’s rebound guy.

He should have stopped her the night before, because he could no longer look at her without having flashbacks of her above him, moving sensuously and rocking his world.

Yes, he’d always felt desire when he saw her. But now he knew—knew and wanted more.

Only he didn’t.

He and McKenzie had had a great weekend together. A weekend that was so much more than he’d ever expected to have with her. It was enough.

It had to be.

He wouldn’t have McKenzie be the next Anna in his life.

They reached her car and he loaded the luggage into the trunk, then turned to face her.

“Um, thanks for going with me.” She toyed with her key fob. “For everything, really.”

“You’re welcome.”

“, I guess I’ll be going.” She turned to get into the car, then paused, turned back to him, stood on her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I’m not sure why you agreed to this weekend, Ryder, but you certainly saved me a lot of heartache. Thank you.”